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fsps killer FTX: NA Gold USA Southern California


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I downloaded FTX: NA Gold USA Southern California and realized a significant and hardly to tolerate drop of FSPS from 40 (measured with Fraps without loaded the new software) to about 20   with the loaded new software. Also I realized the same drop in " FTX Northern California" without changing anything in FSX itself.

(By the way, the same drop of PFS resulted in the new KFHR Friday Harbor. The drop was much more without any tweak (re-generated FSX.cfg)


I uploaded my data to ORBX and received the code: otdfecd488632c711f656130b9e4688b9b

My Hardware NVIDVIA GeForce Titan and an Intel i7-4960X CPU @ 3.g GHz

My Order: Order #FSS0441038 (Completed) for NA GOLD Southern and Northern

                  Order #FSS0436277 (Completed for KFHR

Can You help me?


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I can confirm that FTX SCA is really demanding on frame rates in certain areas:

Just flown from San Louis Obispo to Bakersfield. Started with 30 FPS locked, stable enroute over the desert, but then dropped to 16 FPS near Bakersfield airport. I deactivated traffic, weather and all the SCA features in FTX Central, but I still do not get more than 22 FPS max there. Maybe it is the grass at the airport? Also visited KSNA (quite demanding as well, but less) and Catalina (no frame rate drop).

I have a decent system: 4.5 GHz overclocked i7, GTX 780 Ti etc.

FSX SE runs in Win 7.



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5 hours ago, Thomas_LOLW said:

I can confirm that FTX SCA is really demanding on frame rates in certain areas:

Just flown from San Louis Obispo to Bakersfield. Started with 30 FPS locked, stable enroute over the desert, but then dropped to 16 FPS near Bakersfield airport. I deactivated traffic, weather and all the SCA features in FTX Central, but I still do not get more than 22 FPS max there. Maybe it is the grass at the airport? Also visited KSNA (quite demanding as well, but less) and Catalina (no frame rate drop).

I have a decent system: 4.5 GHz overclocked i7, GTX 780 Ti etc.

FSX SE runs in Win 7.



Hi, Thomas.  Running FSX-boxed, I did a similar flight from San Luis to Bako just this afternoon, but did not suffer the same frame rate hit as you.  I have my fps locked at 31, and not until I was about 1/2 mile from the airport did the frame rate get as low as 26-27+.  Your system is about the same as mine, so I have no clue why your frame rate would go as low as 16.  I didn't deactivate any traffic or weather (not running ASN), and all features in FTX Central were "on".  Those shouldn't have mattered anyway, since they seem to control detail in the Los Angeles/Long Beach basin.  When flying down there, however, I discovered if I slide the cloud formation slider all the way left to 60(?) km, I gain a good 5 fps, from ~25 to ~30, back up to the usual figure I get when outside of the Los Angles basin.

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I can confirm the poor frame rate and loss of smooth play with South California.  Any urban area in this scenery brings my computer to its knees, regardless of the settings.  More important, however, is the lack of smooth play and the stutters that this scenery produces.  I have several Orbx products and this one is just unusable with my system.  N California is also bad in the San Francisco bay area but this (South California) is even worse in all areas with the exception of the rural areas.


i7 4830K OC 4.5 GHz

Prepar3d V3.1

24 gig ram


GTX 980 TI

Win 10

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Sorry to say, this is also true for me. Without South California only parts of LA have low frame-rates, the rest is OK, San Diego runs very good.

With South California only outside the cities are good fps.

Unfortunately the options in the control panel do not help. It seems that they have no influence at all.


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