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openLC EU Installation issues

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Just got myself P3Dv3 as a Christmas present but now run into installation issues with openLC - the unwrapper tells me I'd have no available space:




However I definitely do have the required space available:




Moving the install binaries around across different HDDs on the computer doesn't change anything- it always tells me I'd have only 94GB available, no matter if on I;\, K;\ or M:\ where I have more HDDs. 


Please advise. 


Thank you kindly,





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17 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Unfortunately that is exactly where the temp files go and that is why you have the error message.

You can move your temp folder to a drive where there is enough space.

Here is one of many topics on the subject.


Thank you for your feedback, Sir. After some fiddling I was able to map my temp dir to a HDD with more space following the website you've hyperlinked.

openLC then installed flawlessly.

Merry Christmas!

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