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Clear uninstall protocol & easy to find on this forum


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I have just tried to uninstall my Orbx files & it looks like Ive broken my fsx in the process.  I have spent most part of today looking on this forum for a clear procedure to uninstall all orbx files from fsx & found patchy answers to this problem !  I haven't found the "sticky" answer "pinned" solution yet.  Very frustrated with this.  Please can someone give me the direct link to the uninstall directions.   Its seems to me that the word uninstall is some sort of dirty word with Orbx !    Why isnt there a uninstaller for each product area ?   Or at least a detailed procedure to uninstall everything !    maybe I haven't found it yet.   If its here somewhere its very well hidden.    Can anyone help me ! 

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Its like searching for a needle in a haystack to me where in the Q&A subsection what is its heading ? what page is it on ?   It was mentioned somewhere that it's supposed to be pinned at the top of a section in the forum, but I dont see it ?   Is it a different procedure for each product ?  is that why it not straight forward & clear ?    I have found my  order numbers on the emails  do you want them all ?   FTX Global Vector is the one I was having problems taking off. I think I have manage to strip the others out.    Did I see somewhere a tidy up program to search for anything missed. Thanks J   FSS0378243

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To remove Vector.

Go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX.

Open scenery.cfg with notepad and change this entry.



Then start fsx and delete the five Vector entries from your scenery library.


Close FSX and delete the ORBX\FTX_VECTOR folder.


May I ask why you are doing this?


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