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I have just purchased the FTX Global OpenLC Europe program and spent hours downloading it (that's another story).  Having completed the download, I was met by a notice saying that the program could not be installed because the FTX Global BASE program was not present.  I accept that this is a valid notice, but what I don't understand is why the download went ahead when it was apparent (at least, I suppose that it was since it told me the news later on) that the BASE program was not installed.  Having paid out hard earned money for the LC program, I now found myself faced with a further outlay for the BASE program.

What I want to say is that there is no notice on the site that would alert me to the fact that there has to be another program installed, or at least, I did not see one.

A closer examination of your site did in fact reveal that the BASE program was a necessity, but UNLESS my cursor happened to roll over that particular area of the site, then I was completely oblivious to the fact that I need BASE installed before I even contemplated the LC program.

Now, all this may seem to be common sense to you, but I am relatively new to Orbx, and I doubt whether I shall purchase anything more from the Store after (I feel) being forced and tricked into buying another program that I did not realise I needed.

Yours, very disappointedly,



Order Number: 432343
Detailed Invoice: https://www.flightsimstore.com/account_history_info.php?order_id=432343
Date Ordered: Sunday 06 December, 2015

1 x Orbx - FTX: Global openLC Europe (ORB-089) = AUD$25.95
Delivery Option Instant Download
License Type Regular End User


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Hello Philip and welcome to the Support forums.


While it is unfortunate that you have bought a component of a product, rather than the product itself,

I have taken shots of the pages that you visited before you made your purchase, which speak for







There is no question of you being  "being forced and tricked into buying another program".

We cannot deal with FSS purchases from these forums, 

you should address your concerns to the Flight Sim Store Support Centre

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