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FTX Central 2 and symlink (FSX)


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I needed space on my primary drive which has the FSX installation and so moved all Orbx/FTX airports to a secondary drive linked back to FSX with symlink; Global, Vector and openLC remain in place within FSX on the primary drive.


Works like a charm and has helped enormously but I'm left with an issue: FTX Central recognizes the airports and reports them correctly but the configuration tool cannot find the paths; apparently it looks only for the default installation path. When I try to make changes I receive the error message:

"Error setting.... Both onPath and offPath don't exist for the file [of the airport I'm trying to edit]."


Is there a file somewhere that I can edit to direct FTX Central to look in the new location on my secondary drive? The workaround is cumbersome because I would have to reinstall each of my 56 airports to the default location, make whatever configuration changes I want, then again move them back to the secondary drive using symlink.


I'm really hoping someone can help, so thank you in advance.



a.k.a. FlexFlier




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Your method should have no effect in this respect,

I have the same file structure here.

Have you actually looked for the missing files in the location

that the error message is giving you?

Perhaps they are indeed missing.

Neither Windows nor FTX Central can tell the difference between

a symbolic link and the actual files, assuming that you have it correctly

set up, of course.

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Thanks for the quick response.


I checked 6 airports (out of 56) on both locations - actual installation on secondary drive and symlinked folder in FSX - and found something interesting. In all cases, one of the two files in the error message is missing, but not always the same one. I.e., in one airport the "...bgl.OFF" file is missing but in another it might be the "...bgl" itself (the ".ON" file?); there doesn't seem to be any logic to it. Hmmmm...


If you think it's important I can check all 56 airports but I think 6 is statistically valid.


BTW, this thread could more correctly belong in the FTX Central V2 forum so move it if you think it's appropriate. In any case, thanks for the help; this one's a real head-scratcher.



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What you found is as it should be, these files relate to the various control panels,

when a feature is enabled, the file has a .bgl suffix, when disabled, an .off suffix.

The error message you saw was because the file (with either suffix) was missing

altogether, at least that's how the message read.

It's not an FTX Central issue, the error is with the airport files.

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Before seeing your response I had guessed at what you said about the .bgl/.off files; at least it's good to know that the file structure is correct. Of course, that leaves the issue you identify that the error is with the airport files. Have you any idea what that error could be? It seems strange that it is happening with all of my airports at the same time, and for any item I want to re-configure. I am grateful for your help but still thoroughly confused...and we don't seem to be anywhere nearer a solution.



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I have tried 6 of my 56...all of them failed. I would like to think 6 is a statistically valid sample but will try more if you think it important.


I have one other thing to try first. Right now I have configured scenery.cfg to look for Orbx airport files directly on the secondary (X:\...) drive where they are actually located. Because I invoked symlink to continue to list those files in the primary drive FSX folder (which is the default Orbx installation location), I am going to redirect a couple of airports in the scenery.cfg file to look there and see what happens. I'll let you know how it goes.


Thanks again for your help.



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I was the problem. By telling the scenery.cfg file to look at the secondary drive instead of the symlinked FSX location of the default installations I apparently sent the Configuration Tool to a place it could never find. I reset all Orbx airport files in the scenery.cfg file to the FSX folder and all is well.


Another fine example of a little bit of knowledge being a very dangerous thing. I thought I was being so clever...


Thanks for your help. By verifying that the files and file structures were correct you sent me looking in a new, and ultimately successful, direction.


Best regards,



a.k.a. FlexFlier

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