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need help, Seattle messy-mess.


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Developers please help me clear this.


FSX gold, Global 2010 mesh, FTX Base, Vector, T2G KSEA patched.


pic 1 is shows Seattle with PMW enabled, the others (2 and 3) are of Seattle with PNW disabled. Not much to explain, pics say it all, I have a mess either way, with or without T2G KSEA. More mess down there, I just brought up some few.


With PNW disabled, I still have files left in the World/Scenery folder. Removing these makes matters in the area ever worst. Disabling Vector entries does change the way the mess looks, but it is still a mess. I have latest updated Vector 1.35 I think, and I did ran the "elevation correction" configurator, do it all the time. I never had any other sceneries there but the FTX products: Base, Vector, PNW on/off. Please perhaps some file I can download to bring back the order there.







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Hi there,


the PNW/T2G KSEA compatibility guide is here: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/105160-orbx-pnw-and-taxi2gate-ksea-airport-compatibility-guide/


It does sound like you've manually removed/moved some files already so it's difficult to know what to suggest unless we know you're working with a complete set of PNW files. Also, does T2G KSEA make changes to Seattle harbor? Those rust-red containers and other harbor objects aren't part of PNW nor are they present in the default scenery. Perhaps you've got some third-party add-on active as well?


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger. I do not intent to use it with PNW, PNW is deactivated.

I use only FTX Base & Vector and T2G KSEA, and have the problem shown on pics 2 and 3. Let's try to figure this out without concern for the PNW which I do not use.

As far as KSEA making changes to harbor, not sure but I did hear it comes with some Seattle city scenery. I tried to disable it to see what happens, the scenery does change a bit but the are still problems with object, so I can conclude the problem is not the KSEA scenery but something with some of the FTX addons.


Please let me know if you need more details, and specify what other info you need.



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Hi Alexander,


for reference see my FSX screenshots with Global Base with and without Vector active. As you can see the odd objects in your screenshot have nothing to do with Orbx. 


You seem to be missing Vector's 3D extrusion bridges. Don't know whether you have them deactivated in the Vector control panel or whether that harbor add-on suppresses them.


Cheers, Holger

Seattle Harbor - Global Base plus Vector - facing S.jpg

Seattle Harbor - Global Base only.jpg

Seattle Harbor - Global Base plus Vector.jpg

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Whatta difference. I had the bridge option "ON" in my Vector configurator, the black thing you see on my pic (which ends in the middle of the river) is the "bridge" placed there by Vector. Besides that, there are other objects issues such as the white storage towers at the loading terminal, I have flat black circles in place of white 3D towers. And the white towers are seen in the downtown area, along with the factory buildings.


The issue I'm having has to do with terrain and object displacement, can I fix it by downloading some files? or reinstalling something, or resetting to defaults?

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Hi there,


I would start by deactivating the four main Global Vector entries in the scenery library menu and then hunt for the add-on that places those extra containers and buildings. Once your Seattle harbor looks like my second screenshot (= default objects and shorelines plus Global Base landclass textures) you can reactivate Vector.


Also, if all of your 3D extrusion bridges display in black then you may be missing the default texture file for it; see http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/74959-ftx-central-error/ . Either that or you're using a third-party replacement for that file that changes the colors from light to dark grey; Orbx doesn't.


Cheers, Holger

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ok first thank you for the file, I needed it.

I think the problem is F1 products I had before going FTX...

Attached are 2 pictures with Vector off and on. Apparently the objects are default, they stay where they are no matter what. I believe the mess is "thanks" to the UTX/GEX I used to have before I switched to FTX a year ago. I ran the UTX uninstallers but probably lots of mess remained in the sim structure.

I only started flying to Seattle when T2G released KSEA, for this reason I may have not noticed the problem earlier.

Other costal cities I like to fly to seems to be ok (Miami, NY, LA, SFO...) There may be issues away from SID/STAR paths that I don't know about and let it be as long as I don't know about it. Seattle-mess however is too evident just ahead of the airport, I want to correct it.


Any ideas what could be done in reference to UTX? Any files to replace/remove/reinstall?





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Hi there,


I doubt this is an issue with UTX remnants unless you kept any of their entries active in the scenery library menu. The issue with its uninstaller removing the default bridge texture sheet is the only one I've come across.


You still have to figure out what is placing the non-default objects (rust-colored containers and white downtown buildings). Finding and deactivating that file/entry will likely also get rid of the extra default objects (tanks, factories, etc.) and remove the exclude that prevents the main bridge from being placed. I'd systematically deactivate all add-on entries until those containers disappear. You can do this during a flight (in slew or pause mode) so it shouldn't take long. 


Have you established that it is not the T2G KSEA add-on that places those objects?


Cheers, Holger

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I disabled KSEA, this returned the white "cylinders" back to the loading dock "island", but removed the skyscrapers and the famous Seattle tower (!!) Wow, whatta mes I got.

Anyway, disabling KSEA had no effect on these horrible factory buildings overlapping the residential houses and roads, along with the white cylinders which remain where hey are.

No other scenery I have and it seems to me a reinstall will fix it at last. I need a larger drive anyway so I'm gonna have to go that road.


I tried to keep the sim clean, I don't install tons of hazarai, only FTX, ASN, REX and city and regional airport sceneries by respected vendors only (FSDT/FB/T2G/Aerosoft...), that's it. Still as clean as I kept it I ended up having a mess. no idea...


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ok, installed a new drive, windows. FSX (a good practice to do more often than once a year!), and now I know what these objects are: they are native out-of-the-box FSX objects. Here they are seen over fresh FSX install with no addons added yet.


So on one hand it is FSX's problem, on the other I am surprised nobody knew about it? I imagined FTX Vector was taking care of problems like these but it didn't.

Can you please try it with your PNW disabled (leave only Base and Vector) and take a look at this area? Is PNW the only way to have these objects removed? Please review...


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