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KBZN Gates


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I got a the Bozeman scenery awhile ago, and I recently got GSX. While I was setting up GSX. I realized that several of the gates are missing from being selected. I have the static aircraft turned off, however I am not able to be parked at gates 1, 2, 5, and 8. These gates are modeled, however selection for aircraft parking is not available. I tried looking at the forums to see if a thread was posted or if there was an update; I could not find it. 


I was just curious if anyone knows if there is a fix, or how to fix this.



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G'day Tyler,


Welcome to the forums, and my apologies for the delay in getting back to you - I'm just back at the office after holidays. 


In answer to your question, these parking spots have been left intentionally empty as they are occupied by static aircraft in the scenery package. I presume you have disabled the static aircraft in your control panel? If so, these spots will still be left unavailable, as there aren't any changes made to the APX when enabling/disabling static aircraft unfortunately - so although you can park at them without problem, services such as GSX or default ATC won't recognise them as such.




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