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Unexpected OOM crash overflying europe


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Greetings all...    I am just posting this to see if anyone else has had a similar issue as it's got me quite confused.  Hope it's in the right area.


I recently bought the new Corfu release by FSDream Team and at the weekend I decided to pop down there to visit.  So I setup a flight from Stanstead to Corfu.   I have all the FTX Europe regions, but because I was flying out of those I set Global Hybrid mode.   I have Global, Vector, LC and FSGlobal2010 Mesh in operation.


The only other sceneries I had enabled were UK2000 Stanstead and fsx Dream Team Corfu  and I am on FSX-se version  win 8.1 64bit.


I use FSUIPC to monitor VAS usage and use Steves DX10 fixer and Mytraffic6 with a program that limits AI aircraft to 75 max.


I was in the default 737  (yeah I'm not a very sophisticated simmer) flying at 31000 ft.


So I leave Stanstead and head south and get to cruising altitude with VAS remaining of around 1.6 gig left (according to FSUIPC)...   should be plenty thinks I.   I transition to French ATC over the channel..  follow the French Belgium border south.  transition to Belgium ATC..  VAS still on or around 1.4 gig.  Get close to Switzerland and transition to that wonderful ATC area called Central.  about 45 minutes from destination.


Literally as I tune to Central  the VAS starts dropping  from 1.4 to 1 to 0.6 to 0.4 to bang OOM in a space of around a minute or less.


Has anyone else seen anything similar in that area?


I plan to re-fly and do some checking,  but I do remember the only other OOM I have ever had in FSX was also approaching a Swiss airport (Geneva), again that would be in ATC central area.


Whether this is related or not I don't know, but FSX is pretty good at flight planning from a minimum height point of view, but the default height it set for this flight was 91000 ft.


Sorry for being long winded but kinda wondering if there's an invisible mountain or loading issue out there in Switzerland area and thought I would check in here first in case anyone else has had any issues in that area.





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Correct me if i´m wrong, but as I have understood OOM:s are caused by too high settings in the sim, poor hardware in the PC, high demanding add-ons, like detailed aircraft and last but not least, tweaks that people have applied not understanding what they do. So, my question is, why does people allways blame ORBX for their OOM:s? <_<



the Swede in Spain

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46 minutes ago, JJJackson said:

Correct me if i´m wrong, but as I have understood OOM:s are caused by too high settings in the sim, poor hardware in the PC, high demanding add-ons, like detailed aircraft and last but not least, tweaks that people have applied not understanding what they do. So, my question is, why does people allways blame ORBX for their OOM:s? <_<



the Swede in Spain


Who was blaming orbx?


I'm trying to determine if anyone else has seen similar behaviour in this area of Europe and since I use a lot of orbx products, I came to this Q&A forums as there would probably be like minded flyers who may have seen similar things happening and are likely to fly in that area.


Sorry if I shouldn't have posted here as an orbx user, I will try elsewhere.



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I don't think he's blaming ORBX for anything. Seems to me it's a valid question and I don't see the cause being pointed at any particular process or scenery. A drop in VAS of that magnitude and that quickly is not an expected event regardless of software, hardware, or system settings. Especially with the sceneries and aircraft he's using.


For what it's worth Graham yesterday I flew a P3D v3 2+ hour flight in the default C172 from LSMI (Interlaken) through the mountain passes and valleys down to Lake Geneva and then through the mountains on south to LFML (Marseille). Elevation varied from 8500 MSL down to 2000 MSL with ASN live weather. At no time did the VAS drop below 1.6GB. I realize that P3D is much better at recovering VAS but it still seems that FSX shouldn't OOM in the situation you described. I'm going to fire up FSX and fly into and out of Geneva a few times and see what happens.



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12 minutes ago, Triplane said:

I don't think he's blaming ORBX for anything. Seems to me it's a valid question and I don't see the cause being pointed at any particular process or scenery. A drop in VAS of that magnitude and that quickly is not an expected event regardless of software, hardware, or system settings. Especially with the sceneries and aircraft he's using.


For what it's worth Graham yesterday I flew a P3D v3 2+ hour flight in the default C172 from LSMI (Interlaken) through the mountain passes and valleys down to Lake Geneva and then through the mountains on south to LFML (Marseille). Elevation varied from 8500 MSL down to 2000 MSL with ASN live weather. At no time did the VAS drop below 1.6GB. I realize that P3D is much better at recovering VAS but it still seems that FSX shouldn't OOM in the situation you described. I'm going to fire up FSX and fly into and out of Geneva a few times and see what happens.




Doug, thanks..  tonight I am going to deselect the mesh, then each addon and try a replan.. can't help thinking that 91,000 ft flightplan may be a clue somewhere in this so will try without the mesh and see what flightplan height I get given by FSX default.  


Otherwise, i'll just start the flight with nothing installed,  get close to the area then add things one by one till it does it again. (which it hopefully will)    I know I am pushing my machine some, but I have everything set well down and it was the rapid crash that was interesting in this case.







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Graham -


I just did a quick FSX flight from Paris (LFGP) to Geneva (LSGG). I used the default 737 with Global, Vector, LCEurope, and FSGlobal2010. FSUIPC measured the VAS. The weather was ASN live mode. I used DX9 with all the slider maxxed. Altitude varied from FL15 to FL30. I wandered about a bit through France and the Alps before arrival at Geneva (LSGG). I tried varying views, altitude, cockpits, and anything else I could think of to maximized the VAS usage.


No matter what I did the VAS never dropped below 1.41GB. It was 1.69 on takeoff from LFPG and 1.44 on arrival at LSGG. Is it possible that you have any other scenery being loaded near the Swiss border? Have you ever installed Aerosoft Switzerland Pro? I'm running out of ideas.



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52 minutes ago, Triplane said:

Graham -


I just did a quick FSX flight from Paris (LFGP) to Geneva (LSGG). I used the default 737 with Global, Vector, LCEurope, and FSGlobal2010. FSUIPC measured the VAS. The weather was ASN live mode. I used DX9 with all the slider maxxed. Altitude varied from FL15 to FL30. I wandered about a bit through France and the Alps before arrival at Geneva (LSGG). I tried varying views, altitude, cockpits, and anything else I could think of to maximized the VAS usage.


No matter what I did the VAS never dropped below 1.41GB. It was 1.69 on takeoff from LFPG and 1.44 on arrival at LSGG. Is it possible that you have any other scenery being loaded near the Swiss border? Have you ever installed Aerosoft Switzerland Pro? I'm running out of ideas.



Doug, thanks for the efforts...   you're experience is what I was expecting until it all went pear-shaped.


This is a clean install on a machine that has never seen FSX before.  There are 2 swiss airports that I have installed..  Zurich and Geneva but both were un-selected before launching the flight.


I'll try tonight with my plan for no mesh etc and try the flight planner theory, see if I can get a flight that gets sensible altitude., then start trying to repeat it.


Many thanks for your efforts...  I will post back here if I discover anything.





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2 hours ago, Moria15 said:


Who was blaming orbx?


I'm trying to determine if anyone else has seen similar behaviour in this area of Europe and since I use a lot of orbx products, I came to this Q&A forums as there would probably be like minded flyers who may have seen similar things happening and are likely to fly in that area.


Sorry if I shouldn't have posted here as an orbx user, I will try elsewhere.




So you installed FSDT Corfu and got an OOM!!!! Where do you think the problem is?  Perhaps you should post your question on the FSDT forum. OK I understand your posting, BUT it MIGHT be smarter to post on the right forum. My first reaction was that you blamed ORBX for the OOM. Sorry if I misunderstood your posting. I sincerely apologize if I have offended you. :unsure:



the Swede in Spain

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2 hours ago, Moria15 said:

Doug, thanks for the efforts...   you're experience is what I was expecting until it all went pear-shaped.


This is a clean install on a machine that has never seen FSX before.  There are 2 swiss airports that I have installed..  Zurich and Geneva but both were un-selected before launching the flight.


I'll try tonight with my plan for no mesh etc and try the flight planner theory, see if I can get a flight that gets sensible altitude., then start trying to repeat it.


Many thanks for your efforts...  I will post back here if I discover anything.






OK. I'll come back if I can think of anything else to try/do.....Doug





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2 hours ago, JJJackson said:


So you installed FSDT Corfu and got an OOM!!!! Where do you think the problem is?  Perhaps you should post your question on the FSDT forum. OK I understand your posting, BUT it MIGHT be smarter to post on the right forum. My first reaction was that you blamed ORBX for the OOM. Sorry if I misunderstood your posting. I sincerely apologize if I have offended you. :unsure:



the Swede in Spain

Did you actually read my post?





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Doug, thanks for help...  talked to some developers and others "in the know" at a couple of companies and discovered a glitch caused by a bad install which did indeed create an invisible mountain just on the Swiss/Italian border.


The OOM was being caused by flying next to it and having FSX not being able to understand what it was seeing.


A re-install of the appropriate software corrected it..    now I get flight plans from the UK to Corfu at 17,000 and I can fly into Switzerland with my 1.4 meg remaining.





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36 minutes ago, Moria15 said:

Doug, thanks for help...  talked to some developers and others "in the know" at a couple of companies and discovered a glitch caused by a bad install which did indeed create an invisible mountain just on the Swiss/Italian border.


The OOM was being caused by flying next to it and having FSX not being able to understand what it was seeing.


A re-install of the appropriate software corrected it..    now I get flight plans from the UK to Corfu at 17,000 and I can fly into Switzerland with my 1.4 meg remaining.






Good to hear. I'm glad it turned out to be something with a relatively simple fix.



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