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Speedbird 774 YPAD- YPPH


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Continuing on from last night's flight, I rolled out my newly updated (Version 4.3) Captain Sim 757-300 for the next leg, Adelaide to Perth.

The CS757 is one aircraft I've had in the stable since FS2004.

Having said that, I've had troubles with it since then and tonight's flight was no exception.

I love the flight model, it seems to be lean on frames and presents like a million dollars, but after fighting the autopilot after gear up just shy of the Adelaide runway, I knew this wasn't to be an easy few hours.

I got it into a steep climb and then an eventual stall, but recovered and all went well for an hour.

Through the VOR at ESP and then I took a few moments to chill and check what the passengers were up to.

Took a few snaps and just returned to the flight deck, when we started to have a few graphic probs.

I changed views a few times and then bang! Lock up. Took out FSX and Vista.

Damned if this is the only aircraft in my hangar that does this sort of thing. Does anybody else have these sort of problems with this aircraft?

I can't rememeber ever finishing a flight with this bird. I'll take a look over at the CS site and see if they can offer any assistance.

So anyways, here's the pics:

Adelaide Tower, Speedbird 774, Request IFR to Perth

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Cleared for take-off, runway 23 as filed

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V2, rotate

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Positive rate of climb, gear up

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Nice VC

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And nice from the dicky seat!

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Coming up on LONLY

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Like my Captains bars?

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Should have been a nice flight...

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First Class is pretty cool!

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I can smell the Chicken Cattiatore!

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And a nice worn paint job to finish off.

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Ah well, hope tomorrow's flight shows more promise,


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Hey Tennyson I had similar troubles with the Aerosoft Piper Cheyenne. It hit my FPS quite hard and could barely finish a flight without Flight Sim shutting down. My remedy was a complete format and reinstall of everything. Now it barely even registers a hit on FPS and can do full flights (even swap views a million times if I want) each and every time I fly it. They only time my system struggles now is when flying into (ORBX) YMML but I have since tweaked that airports settings to only display relevant buildings to the airport.

Bit of an extreme fix and I loathed to do it but am so happy with the final result.

By the way, have you got the Level D 767? Reason I ask is I'd like to get another tubeliner and am tossing up between the Capt' Sim 757 and the Level D and was wondering what your thoughts are on the two?


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A reformat would not fix this problem. Besides that, my FSX/FTX is solid and has never run so sound.

It's a glitch in the aircraft coding, I'm sure. It's the only aircraft I fly (out of about 50) that has this problem. It is a long standing problem and even with an upgrade to 4.3 has continued.

I've been on the relevant forum and am still trawling for an answer, so will come up with one, eventually.

As to having the Level D, yes, I've had it for some time and logged quite a few hours and done a few paints for it, too.

It is one of the nicest and most concise of all of the tube liner offerings, in my opinion.

Tech support is brilliant (you would hardly need it), it has beautiful graphics (VC and such), low on frames and a very complex simulation, (EFIS, FMC, Radio operations.)

Do yourself a favour and have a look through these forums and see how well received this aircraft is. I believe it's the model that all other manufacturers aspire to at the moment.


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