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Budget graphical card beats High End card!


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The German publication FSMagazin published an article about a budget graphic card (arround €60 - €70) with some very good performance. It even beats some expensive high end cards. The card they are talking about is the Ati 4650 card with 1Gb DDR3 mem.

Results of some tests in FSX are stated in the table below.

It is ammazing how such a "cheap" card is performing so well.

Posted Image

Just for your information!

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Picture quality is very good as well, no difference with my Nvidia card I used to use for FS. (both FS9 and FSX).

I am surprised about this card. Mathijs Kok of Aerosoft recommended the card to the editing team of FSMagazin. After reading the article I decided to give it a go too, and I am possitively surprised as the fps improved with a huge leap, without affecting the quality of the images.

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Another caveat. Don't assume all ATI cards will work happily under all OS. The 4870 1GB card cannot run Vsync under W7 or Vista. That maybe important for folks running TrackIR, where VSync has to be on to avoid texture tearing. I don't know if this applies to the 4890 as well, which is just a re-designed 4870...



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There are some that have hardware far superior to mine and yet my system out performs theirs, all relative I'd say BUT carefull tuning KNOWING what your doing will be more beneficial than blundering along with hardware 3 times superior and not haveing it tuned correctly.

Bit like showing up at La Mans with your ferrari running on 6 Cylinders instead of 12.

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Not necessarily as I believe it depends on your pre-rendering settings and other things of that nature.

If you can take info from the CPU and render it on the fly to the screen your better off that if you have a high end card that will pre-render as it would need to devote time and GPU cycle to doing just that and then storing and retrieving the pre-rendered frames.

The Pipeline ie FSB and the ability of the SATA Bus to get imagery from the HDD through the CPU and to the GPU and then the screen that ultimatly determins how well your system performs.

I doubt my system would show ANY improvement by going to a 1 Gb Vid Card over and above the 512 I currently have.

I experimented with O/Clocking the Vid Card and the only thing this did was create heat and instability (No Performance Increase on this system ).

IMHO To build a good system for FSX and Gaming in general you must follow 5 simple rules.

1. Buy a Mainboard that will support any desired expansion in the near future and not buy a cheaper MB that will essentially be redundant .

2. Get a MB that has a FSB equal to or of greater bandwidth that the CPU

3. This Bandwidth surplus MUST follow through all sections of the PC to the Vid Card.

4. Your PSU MUST be at least 20% greater capacity than is needed to avoid un-necessary voltage regulation errors.

5. Run your OS on "C:\" and have ALL other programing and your Profile etc on other drives.

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Methnks the figures obtained for both the 8800 and GTX280 are a little on the low side, perhaps suggesting there are other issues in the test.

So many variables ... it is a shame you can't just get everything out of the box and just run it .. but as we all know .. various options have startling effects on performance and image quality some times.

Just shows, though ... if you are on a budget .. current gen budget hardware can be quite pleasing.

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I might take you up on that sometime Maurice, if that was an offer. 

Actually, I was joking.  My machine has been working more satisfactorily during the last year (since Redline came over and put in a new 1 GB 8800 GT graphics card for me) than it has ever done.  That and the bit of overclocking (discovered my 6600 had been installed with a factory preset of 1.87 GHz when it should have been running at 2.4 GHz and then he put it up to 2.8 GHz). Also some work with nHancer and the Nvidia settings has done wonders.

The only problem now is I'm scared stiff of doing anything in case it all goes pear shaped!  Although, if an opportunity came along I think I would increase my RAM from 4 to 6 GB.

All the best


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What graphics card was it exactly because a Ati 4650 card with 1Gb DDR3 mem does not exist as far as I know..

The card I purchased is the Club3D HD4650 with 1GB mem.


The resolution I use (also on the previous card) 1680 X 1050.

The test was done in Aerosoft's Manhathan (FSX).

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I have to admit that I find all this talk about motherboards, CPU's, GPU's, overclocking etc way over my head.  ::)

About six months ago I upgraded my vid card from a NVidia 6600 to the newly released ATI Radeon HD 4850 with 1gig RAM. I also increased my RAM from 1Gig to 2Gigs. I saw an immediate improvement, but I still only get an steady 20fps with everything just middle settings, autogen low and all traffic zero. And avoiding large cities.

The system I have is a:

Intel Pentium®D CPU3.00GHz, 2.00GB of RAM, Windows XP with SP3, the ATI HD 4850.

I have no idea what the motherboard is, nor how to determine such. I would have thought that with the above I should be getting better performance, but don't know how to go about improving things.

Any suggestions (would be much appreciated)?

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Wow. This is a pretty amazing tool - the level of detail it provides it very comprehensive. Not that I have ANY idea what it all means. :)

Under the Motherboard listing it shows the following:

Model 4CoreDual-VSTA

North Bridge VIA PT880 Pro Revision 00

South Bridge VIA VT8237A Revision 00

CPU Intel® Pentium® D CPU 3.00GHz

Cpu Socket Socket 775 LGA

System Slots 5 PCI

Memory Summary

Maximum Capacity 4096 MBytes

Maximum Memory Module Size 2048 MBytes

Memory Slots 2

Error Correction None

Is that good or bad??

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