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England scenery - has many areas of water where there should not be any!


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I've recently purchased the England scenery and successfully installed on FSX, however, I am seeing many areas of water where there should be land! Vehicle traffic can be seen traversing these areas of water! This affects other features, e.g. London City airport is completely surrounded by water!

Does anyone know what might be causing this - is it something to do with with corruption on the DVD or installation, or with FSX, or something else?

I am relatively new to sims, and would therefore appreciate any help.

The order number I have for my purchase is 410673 - as an aside, I cannot find any way to add this order number to my profile!

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A big WELCOME from me ;)

I can't help you with your actual problem :lol:, but your signature can be found/edited by going to your profile drop-down (top right), then "Edit my Profile" (grey button), then "Signature" (3rd item down).

You can hide things in the "spoiler" if you like.


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OK thanks for your response - will do.

Surprisingly for a non-computer literate person, I think I have inadvertently "solved" the problem with the England scenery having "corrupted" areas with water etc - I subsequently downloaded and installed Service Pack 1 for FSX, and now the scenery seems to be OK! I have no idea why, but I'm the sort of person who believes in "if it aint broken then don't fix it"!!!!!

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Surprisingly for a non-computer literate person, I think I have inadvertently "solved" the problem with the England scenery having "corrupted" areas with water etc - I subsequently downloaded and installed Service Pack 1 for FSX, and now the scenery seems to be OK! I have no idea why, but I'm the sort of person who believes in "if it aint broken then don't fix it"!!!!!

I'm the opposite! If I see any "updates", "service-packs" or "patches" I install them immediately :lol:. Once a blue moon, I step back one - but that's only ever been for the odd nVidia driver (where sometimes "latest" does not mean "best") - but that's very rare.

However - service packs for FSX (and P3D) are an absolute *must*.

I see your number/signature :)


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