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Water missing at CFA4


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I am not sure where to begin, and although I found a solution, I would like to find out more.


I have Base, Vector and LC NA Alaska/Canada with latest ORBX library.  I have only ORBX scenery installed. Central 2.0 is set to global, hybrid is checked.


So I am flying to CFA4 following the river which, with real weather running is covered with fog.  Letting down to the seaport at CFA4 I discover only land! NO water anywhere around. (There was water at my departure airport) Here is the process of troubleshooting:  I used go to airport to re position, still no river.  I switch from Global to NA, still no river.  Uncheck hybrid and the river is back.  I would have thought that since I am in the Yukon, that going back to North America in Central would have given me default scenery and disabled global but I am not sure about that.  Does "hybrid" carry over to other selections?  Is this an issue of Central, Global (LC NA, base and vector (either collectively or separate)). And while this fixed this problem did it really?  Re reading the manuals and forum posts, I didn't get any more information on Hybrid mode..so there it is....Thoughts and insights are appreciated.







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Hi there,


does this issue occur with SAK installed? CAF4 is included with SAK and should definitely display correctly with FTX Central either at Global/hybrid or North America. If you select Global with hybrid off you're seeing the default scenery in terms of lake, rivers, roads, etc.


Also, check that your openLC block of entries does not sit above the FTX block; see the openLC Na manual, p.10.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,


Thank you for steering me in the right direction.  Since Installing FTX Central v2 AND installing LC NA I did not even look at the placement of stuff in the scenery file. Up til now there hadn't been an obvious problem nor an obvious improvement.  Most of my flights were in SAK and I now see that I may have been looking at default scenery.  I reset the insertion point and then tried global with hybrid checked...perfect.  Toggled over to North America, again perfect.   When looking for a solution I did notice that the guide link in FTX Central 2.0 does not show anything about v2 nor P3Dv2.  I trust this will be updated in the future. 


The advice to be passed long should be that we all should check the insertion points and the order of scenery..  In my case the installers did not place things correctly .....largely because the previous insertion point did not either carry over to v2 or was misplaced. 


Thanks for the help and I hope the answer helps others.





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