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FSUIPC keybaord programming


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Hi chaps

I saw a very interesting You tube and web page advertising a very budget home cockpit system which you apparently make yourself ...

here's the link ... http://www.rogerdodger.net/diyflightsims/ez_airliner.html

While indeed budget, i was fascinated with the use of 2 keyboards templated to look like the airliners that we fly ... so, i tried this and works a treat ... far more realistic once i had assigned all the keys in FSX ... discovered though that really need 2 keyboards purpose made so will dot hat tomorrow ...

As some of the keys don't seem to have assignments in FSX i was wondering if FSUIPC is any easier ... i have the registered version so can assign keys .. i went through all the standard FSX keys and deleted the keyboard assignments so there wasn't a conflict ... any tips on this avenue of simming chaps?

As you can see, trying to minimize expense until later ...



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To be honest I think FSUIPC is very overated and I don't even have it on this PC other than the free version that was installed with some plane or other.

It is NOT the be all end all of communications with FS9 and or FSX either that many seem to believe it is, there is a whole new breed of interface devices and software ready and willing to take rotary, momentary and toggled information and feed it directly to the Sim via 1 or many USB ports. Oh to give you an idea, you can have 254 individual USB devices on the one PC.

As for keyboards you can have several on the one PC but they will conflict  BUT you can assign various keystrokes  using Joy to Key and or Keyboard express.

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Ah thanks Maurice ... good points ... always did find FSUIPC a devil of a thing to comprehend back when i had my CH yoke and peddles etc ... could you tell me what some of these other interface apps are? I would be most willing to take a look at them ...!

Thanks for the reply matey


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Guest steved

what about something more specific or dedicated to an alternative keyboard.

something like a g13 logitech or that nostrum n25(i think)

you can store key strokes and macros with their software and could easily replace a keyboard.

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You can store keystrokes as macros for the G15 keyboard etc BUT these are still standard Keystrokes and would allow Joy2Key for mapping Joystick buttons to the keyboard and Keyboard Express to map keystrokes to multiple commands. There various input cards available from Home cockpit parts suppliers that will be our best bet for making multi input panels.  Multiple keyboards are a problem in that their buttons and interface is mapped by default to certain keys, so to start with you will need to reset ALL the keystrokes in the sim. Now if you load FSX for instance you will see that it will recognise multiple controllers so you might be better off obtaining an old steering wheel for instance and canabalising it for and making your input device and then map these inpt switches etc to various functions.

Just about every function in FSX can be assigned to a controller input and I use my Race wheel gearshift for some control input as well as my regular switches on the yoke.

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Hi Vonduck

I use a unit by belkin the N52, each button can have up to three seperate functions programed giving over sixty buttons on this one pad. I have been using it for a couple of years now.Works great with multiple key strokes or macros.  They have bought a newer model out but I havnt used that one. Hope this helps  :)

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