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OPENLC NA A/C Library instruction (PDF pg 10)


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(To Administrator: ultimately, this question has to do with the FTXC library but the specific instruction I am referring to is from the Openlc NA A/C manual, [page 10]. If this question should be in the FTXC library threads please say so, and I'll delete it immediately and move it. Thank you, RP).


Hi Folks,

I just purchased the new “OpenLC  NA Alaska/Canada†release and as you can see by my FTX purchase references, I’ve got a few FTX products. Please understand that I’ve been buying FTX scenery for years and over time, the FTX instructions regarding the FTX library procedure and entry order have changed.


I’ve tried to keep up with the latest info on the subject and when last I read, the installer now automatically configures the FTX software as it installs each one. However, the OPENLC NA A/C manual has now made me think I may have interpreted the instructions incorrectly ??? .


Please know that my confusion is not because I don’t read the manuals, (I always read the manuals).


I have no trouble using the FTX library tool and I’m not asking how to do that. In the OPENLC NA A/C manual, (PDF page 10): “Scenery Library Insertion Pointsâ€). It states, in part:

“…the FTX block be set above your openLC entries, as shown below…â€


  • Does that mean I must have the OPENLC entries IMMEDIATELY below the FTX Block, or can I have other, non-Orbx/FTX scenery between the FTX Block and the first OPENLC scenery entry, (In my case, “OPENLC Europe1â€)?


My present FTXC Library does show the “FTX Block†as the first entry at the very top of the list. Then right below that are 25 of my other, ‘non-Orbx/FTX’ related scenery add-ons, and then, my present Orbx OPENLC Europe entries, (from top to bottom); Eu1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, NAMERICA1, and finally OPENLC  BASE. (BTW; I have no idea why EU10 follows EU1 and not EU9).


(please remember that I didn’t install the Openlc NA A/C scenery yet).


The order of my scenery shown in my FSX Scenery Add-on Library and the FTXC Library never exactly matched. However, I just accepted that the FTX installer knew what it was doing each time I installed a FTX software program.


  • So once again; must the FTX Block be immediately followed by my OpenLC Europe entries, (as well as my soon to be installed, OpenLC NA A/C entries as well), or can I have other add-on scenery between the FTX Block and the Open LC scenery entries?

Thank You,


PS I would appreciate a reply as soon as you can.

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Hi Rich, 


the "openLCs" block is automatically adjusted, whether EU or  NA A/C.


It should be below the "FTX" block.


Sometimes between the  "FTX" block and the "openLCs" block there may be some third part addon. For example: Tongass X, it is recommended that it is just down the "FTX" block. In this case the "openLCs" block will be below the Tongass X.


If there isn't any other third part addon that requires staying placed below the block "FTX" then the "openLCs" block will be in this place -- just below "FTX" block.


It's simple, "... the FTX block be set above your openLC entries..." has the meaning that I said above.





PS: Edited: See placement "openLCs" block in post # 15 of this thread:

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Thank you very much for your fast reply Voyager!

Very good, I understand your answer to mean that so long as the FTX Block is in a location above the OpenLC entries, I'm fine ^-^ .


After I read your answer, I went with the installation and upon completion, I noticed that the FTXC Library had reconfigured the location of the OPENLC entries to a position directly below the FTX Block.


As I had said in my initial post, I had 25 non-Orbx/FTX addon scenery entries between the FTX Block and the first OPENLC entry before this installation.


I haven't yet opened FSX so I don't know exactly what the FSX Scenery Add-on Library will reflect, but I know that the FTXC library and FSX library were never exactly the same in the past. That is, in regards to entry for entry locations. However, the FSX Library always showed the FTX Block, (in FSX, this "Block" was shown as a breakdown of each individual FTX add-on region and airport), correctly placed in a location above the OpenLC entries.


Ergo: everything should be just fine and I haven't had any problems, (except an occasional airport runway, taxi way, and/or tarmac filled with trees,  ::) every now and then).


It's interesting to note that the FTXAA HolgerMesh, FTXAA PNG HolgerMesh, and the FTX Library never appear in the FTXC library. I have no doubt that this fact has been posted as a topic somewhere in here and I'm sure it's probably normal. It's just interesting to note because they're the very first entries in my FSX Library.


In addition, I can find all my other mesh addons in the FTXC Library like those for various states I've installed and the even the larger FSG installations. In fact, I even can see the "hoamesh3" mesh installation in the FTXC Library as well, but no sign of the FTXAA Holger or png Holgermesh.


I have other png mesh software installed too. I keep them installed because I can't remember which is the better resolution and FSX automatically selects the best resolution on its own.


Thanks again :smile: ,


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