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Posts posted by BAW9DV

  1. Ah, really ?     You kept that quiet !!   😀


    Yes, I will do so, although after the email I just received from the Event planners, I'm a little confused!    I Thought this was a 3-day event, but it seems that the only event on Friday is the banquet in the evening - nothing else.   But I will be attending that.


    So you guys will be there Saturday and Sunday ?   Great, I'll look you up!


    It's gonna be memory lane for me.   My ex-wife and I and the kids often vacationed in Las Vegas, renting a house with a pool for the summer and spending up to 3 weeks enjoying the sun, the food and the mountains.   Mount Charleston is not far away and often some 25 degrees cooler in the summer.


    It will be interesting to see how the City has changed . . .


    All the best,



  2. Hi,

    I am attending this year's Show in Las Vegas and as such, will be flying into LAX with British Airways on Wednesday 19th June and after grabbing a rental car, I'll be first staying the night in LA at the Rennaisance Hotel near LAX and then driving up to 'Vegas next morning, Thursday 20th.


    Anyone in or around LAX interested in meeting for dinner or drinks on Wednesday evening ?   Let me know.


    In Las Vegas, I am staying at the Rio Hotel and will be walking around the Show over the three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.   And I'm attending the banquet too.  

    Anyone living in or around 'Vegas interested in meeting up Thursday evening for dinner or drinks ?   Let me know.   I want to see if Bob Taylor's Rance house is still there - for me the best steak in town!   I drive back to LA on Monday, flying out of LAX around 5:20pm, back home.


    Anyway, I'm going so just want to see if I could put some faces to names !    If you are going let me know.





    • Like 4
  3. Hi John,


    I have the standard Wondows 10 in-built Defrag tool - and to be honest, I have defragged (or rather trimmed as the utility does not actually defrag!) quite regulary, say once a week or after an extensive clean up using CCleaner.


    And I have noticed no ill effects at all.   The Computer is a ChillBlast system, now over 3 years old.


    Again, no ill effects.   So I will "trim" on an infrequent basis.


    Thank you,





  4. Hello Nick,


    Ok, I might have figured it out.   Yes, until someone does a GSX Profile for KOAK, the Jetway services won't work.   Only the stairs and passenger bus option will be offered.


    However - I checked the GSX Pro Config option again and discovered that I had clicked on the EXCLUDE 3rd PARTY option, but I did NOT remember to disable the actual KOAK Jetways & Services.   Still learning what GSX does and how it works, so I might be abe to do this.


    I just flew KLAS to KOAK in the Fenix A320 Spirit Airlines and parked on stand 24.   Jetway did not work for GSX (No Jetways Here message) but it worked using PushBackHelper, although it disconnected and GSX took over and sent stairs and the Buss !!   


    thanks for your insight . . .



  5. Hello Nick,


    Thanks for responding. 

    Since my post above, I have learned a bit more about this and how GSX Pro works with 3rd Party Add-ons.   Today I conducted some tests.  Here are the results and full description.


    Both the PMDG 737 and the Fenix A320 spawn well out of position when a stand is selected from the MSFS Menu and so I began a series of tests to see if I could get Jetways to actually move and connect.


    Now I recently purchased GSX Pro and in order NOT to see any conflicts, in the GSX Config menu, I selected EXCLUDE 3rd PARTY JETWAYS.     I then conducted tests on the Terminal One and Two area Cul-De-Sac gates.      I tested Gates, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, first using the FENIX A320 (current Block V2.0 version).   Initially, loading the GSX menu, GSX Pro reported NO JETWAYS HERE, even though their ARE actually Jetways there - and I noticed what appeared to be some double Jetways too! (see Pics 01, 02 and 03 below):-





    (Cannot seem to embed them into the post!)


    So to try to get around this, I then I loaded the freeware PushBackHelper (see pic 04 below) - and attempted to connect the Jetways using this utility.   I used to use this utility to push back ALL my aircraft before I got GSX Pro.



    (Cannot seem to embed image into the post!)


    Here are the results of my tests:-



    NJH - No Jetways Here (GSX Pro menu reports No Jetways at this stand))
    PBH - PushBackHelper (results when PushBackHelper is used to try and move and connect the Jetway)

    1. FENIX A320 used - A/C spawned directly onto stand from the MSFS Menu:-


    GATE 24 - NJH - Works with PBH Jetway moves & connects;
    GATE 23 - NJH - Works with PBH Jetway connectss but aircraft spawns quite out of position;
    GATE 22 - NJH - Works with PBH;  Jetway does move, but falls short of the aircraft side and does not connect;
    GATE 21 - NJH - Works with PBH connects fine, close to the aircraft.  Best so far;
    GATE 20 - NJH - Works with PBH connects even though aircraft was again, spawned well out of position!;


    2. PMDG 738 used -  A/C spawned directly onto stand from the MSFS Menu:-


    GATE 21 - NJH - Works with PBH and is pretty good;
    GATE 24 - NJH - Works with PBH and connects well;
    GATE 22 - NJH - Jetway does not move even with PBH.   Jet is also well out of position;  


    I have yet to try the Jetways on the West and East side of the Cul-De-Sac.    I also checked the MSFS CONTENT MANAGER to see if there was a default Asobo KOAK Airport that needed to be disabled - but I could not find one.   Only the BMOTW & AmSim scenery was shown as installed and active in the CONTENT MANAGER.


    Any advice or help would be useful as I intend to review this product.


    Cheers Nick,










  6. Ok,


    I have done a lot of research on this subject, all of it saying that SSD's should NOT be defragged.   And I get that.


    I use Windows 10 Home Edition and when I first attempted to defrag my C:Drive which is a 2TB SSD (this before I found out about NOT defragging!), running the default Windows defrag option actually TRIMMED the drive - no mention of a defrag.


    Is this ok to do this ?   Or does this method actually defrag the drive, causing more wear and tear on it ?


    Any comments would be wlecome.




  7. Hi,


    Hope this is the right place to ask this . . .


    I recently purchased the new Oakland Airport KOAK scenery by Beautiful Model Of The World (BMOTW) and AmSim.   All looks good, but the Jetways in the Terminal 1 and 2 area, just north of the Runway 30 threshold, do not work!   They are there but I cannot get them to connect to the PMDG 737.   And to be fair, spawning onto a stand, actually does not put the jet on the correct ground marking.


    So I moved the aircraft into position manually - and still the Jetway does not move!   I tried three different stands and none of the Jetways work.




    Now I also recently purchased and installed GSX Pro - does this have an effect on the Jetways?   The GSX Pro menu reports " No Jetways Here "    Any help would be appreciared.


    Thank you,






  8. Hi,


    Like many who fly in real time, I am interested in this.   However, I am wondering how this can be of any use, since Microsoft/Asobo have not opened up their SDK for the purposes of creating weather add-ons ?   HiFiSim used to be the place to go in P3D for ActiveSky and great, accurate weather - but with no access to functions in the MSFS SDK, how is this going to produce the weather effects claimed by the developer ?


    Just asking . . .




  9. Hello Folks,


    I case you are interested and the developer is watching, I recently review this airport and released the review video here:-



    It's a wonderful airport scenery but I am a little confused about the Control Tower situation.   Anyhow, take a look if you care to.

    Hope you enjoy it.




    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

    Hello Lee,
    thanks for  sharing that.
    The problem was found on Friday, but as is so often the case, Murphy's law meant that it was

    just too late to correct it before the Orbx shop floor closed for the weekend.
    It is a very small job to fix it and it is at the top of the list for Monday morning, Australian time.
    In the meantime, apologies for the inconvenience caused.

    No problem Nick,


    Just happy to help.   So you chaps completely shut down for the weekend?   Ok, that explains why my email has not been replied to yet!


    It's all good . . .





    • Thanks 1
  11. Ok,


    Like many here, I found that the new San Diego KSAN scenery installed using OrbxCentral, but did NOT show up in the scenery.   Several attempts to uninstall and reinstall did not work. 

    But I found the problem.


    When OrbxCentral installs, it places the scenery into a subfolder inside PACKAGES called COMMMUNITY - yes, you see it right !    The spelling is incorrect and if, having looked into the PACKAGES Folder above the normal Community Folder -


    C:\Users\<YourName>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages . . .


    You should see and extra folder:-


    COMMMUNITY   <--




    Note that the above is the default install path for MS Store purchasers, Steam purchasers location is different.   The solution I found was to copy the actual installed product folder, located inside this new erroneous COMMMUNITY Folder:-


    bmworldamsim-ksan-san-diego (folder name)


    And place it inside the normal COMMUNITY folder, along with your normal scenery.




    For me, I usually install my Orbx products into a different folder on another drive and then after it is installed by OrbxCentral, I get a "link" (a folder with a TICK mark on it) that links the installed prroduct to my Community install.   This time I did not get the link!  And only when I looked into the PACKAGES folder above the Comunity folder, did I see the erronous install.


    Orbx, please correct the install path for OrbxCentral ?   I hope this helps you chaps.






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  12. 13 minutes ago, Marcus Nyberg said:


    Hey there Lee!


    On the product page in Orbx Central there is a Configuration button you can press which gives you the options to disable some features like the animated vechicles for instance.


    Let me know if you can't find it!







    Got it thanks Markus.   Review should be out by middle of next week.





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  13. Hi,


    A few days ago, a very dear friend of mine, Gemma, with whom I spent many years in a Children's Home and who now lives in Noosa in Queensland, left to visit her 101 year old mother.   They were and still are both a special part of my life and two days ago Gemma flew back from Sydney to her home in Noosa at the end of that visit.


    After chatting with her over video, I decided to recreate that flight home.   She flew with Virgin Australia in a 737-800, but I decided to fly her home First Class (virtually of course) in my own private airline's Boeing 737-800 - VAP AIR.   Here are two videos.  The first is the 737 trip out of Sydney (scenery by FlyTampa) to Sunshine Coast (scenery by Orbx).   The second video is me flying her out of Sunshine Coast, on the six minute flight to Noosa by VAP AIR's own private BELL 407 Helicopter.   As I got into video editing, this is the first time I have attempted something as complicated as this.   I hope you enjoy the videos . . .


    YSSY to YBSU -



    And next, YBSU to Noosa YNSH -



    Thank you for watching.   Comments welcome.






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