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Everything posted by StevenD

  1. I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this already, just wanting to be sure - I just got YMML from Orbx. Since the jetways are .BGL and I use GSX, I have turned the file YMML_Lib_Aero.bgl to .bgl.off (these are most of the jetways) and within in GSX, have marked the parking positions for jetway exclusion. This allows GSX to place the customizable SODE jetways in. However, here is the issue - in about 8 parking positions scattered about, there are still jetways built into the terminal building model that would be for gate D20A if such was a usable parking position, but it is not. Therefore, I wanted to replace these jetways to allow for double gates at those positions for the heavy aircraft like B777 at for example gate D20. But since these jetways are built into the terminal model itself and share a model part with some pylons and roofs, I cannot find out how to disable these jetways without also disabling the scenery that shares the same model parts. Does anyone have any ideas? If it is not possible, then I will have to deal with the eyesore of having a GSX SODE jetway over the existing static model jetway. I guess that it is also a bit sad that this scenery does not come with SODE jetways to begin with, granted it is a fairly old product now.
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