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Everything posted by MotoDave

  1. after not using FSX for months, this is what I see when I attempt to use the game. I updated and verified Australia and Libraries via Orbx Central before posting this message.
  2. Thank you. I've done that already. Symbolic Links usage escapes my logic window. Perhaps someone can post the correct command to enable and the correct command to reverse it.
  3. I've been unable to install products away from the root, so please post some HDD size requirements. Perhaps in the future someone clever can figure out how to install Orbx products out of the FSX root. I'd like to buy more Orbx but don't have the HDD room.
  4. The "terrain config trick fix" at KHRT did not work for me, with FSX Accel. Thanks for trying.
  5. Hello Neil, even though I may be the only customer flying this area, here's my latest flight. UT1P - did not notice errors UT1N - Karshi South - apron trees FSX Accel
  6. I disabled SCA because of performance issues. However, there is a tree issue at KLSV Nellis with either SCA or default FSX. SCA default FSX
  7. MotoDave soon to be off with his Stratocaster, like a fool still playing rock and roll. MotoDave in Vietnam. I was the LSE on that flight deck (yellow shirt, goggles and everything), waving in Helicopters (probably Sea Kings or Cobra gunships) while on plane guard for the Kitty Hawk et al, c.1968-72. Some of my flight deck crew wore big heavy rubber gloves with a grounding chain to prevent shock. While on the gunline off the VN coast, I was a lowly powder monkey down in the powder magazine way down under the front gun turret. Probably not a great place for a smoke. I think it would average about 115-125 degrees Fahrenheit in the powder mag. 6 hours on and 6 hours off, except that you were never off. Flight deck on call 24/7. I used to have many photos of Sea Kings and Cobras and Phantoms in real time operation, but someone lost them for me. Wish I could have shared them with you.
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