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Posts posted by AIRJUNEAU

  1. A couple of days ago I saw this video and I immediately got the old Orbx vibes :) 



    So it is doable. 



    1 hour ago, wolfko said:

    Moving people, animated animals, swaying trees and bushes, sounds of birds and of the enironment etc., etc. are deafult features of MSFS. So there is no need for Orbx to invent the wheel again.


    Nevertheless, it's not the same as it was. We have this dancing ground worker guy with his 1-2 colleagues, we see in every other scenery - all other people are static. And we rarely see any animals or other animations in the surroundings like the custom car traffic in Sonoma or the animated trains and racing cars in Monroe Firstair. The sim has much potential for things like this.


    I really hope we see more usage of existing features and new innovative features. Maybe a library like in P3D would be good as well.


    We need the return of the broom guy. ;)


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  2. Will we ever see something like the "flow"-technology in MSFS, which created a unique atmosphere and made the Orbx airports in FSX/P3D so special? I remember things like animated butterflies, deers, whales, falling leaves, animated racing cars, trains, walking people, snow and lots more which I miss and really would like to see in the MSFS sceneries.

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  3. Hi Joe, 

    thanks for your reply.

    1 hour ago, EasternT3 said:
    1 hour ago, AIRJUNEAU said:

    Now, Ponta Delgada got updated. Again, the static airplanes were removed - It only had one single cessna parking there. So why even bother!?


    Firstly EGLC and LPPD are developed by completely different developers so you can't compare (it's up to the individual developer), and the LPPD dev is external to Orbx and only sells on the platform, secondly static aircraft is a very dividing topic, some people want them, others don't, a benefit P3D has is the ability to configure airports how users want, apparently this can't be done yet in MSFS, although options are starting to be offered.

    I know MK and Orbx are different developers. But I don't think it matters in this case. I just would like to know why static planes are removed from sceneries. There must be a reason why Orbx, MK and others do that when they optimize their addons for XBOX. It's a feature which gets lost and you can't do anything about it  - and anything is better than the horrible default ai planes in msfs ;) 


    There are ways you can toggle scenery features like static planes in msfs. FSDG did it with their configurator. Orbx central is capable of doing this is other simulators - so why not in msfs?





  4. Now, Ponta Delgada got updated. Again, the static airplanes were removed - It only had one single cessna parking there. So why even bother!?


    Also it got optimized for XBOX. What does this mean exactly? Has the quality been downgraded alongside removing static airplanes to run well on XBOX? And why do PC-users have to download the XBOX compatibility version?


    I don't get it. Orbx Central isn't available on XBOX so why not just provide the XBOX version only in the marketplace? 


    Would really love an explanation. 

  5. Will the landmark packs only contain certain cities or are whole region like the existing (TE)regions planned aswell? I think it would be cool if Orbx would take all of the landmarks, POI's, vfr navigation points, powerlines etc. of the previous regions and bring them to MSFS and of course many more. I would be really happy to see the castle of my small hometown again which was part of the "germany south" region. :)

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