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About pilotter

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. slow download here also 99.9kb/s and when I test my internet I do 900 mb/s still the provider?
  2. good day, I see that Simwings has updated EDDM to V2.2, here in the Orbx store it's V2.1. Can we get the V2.2 update?
  3. same from me, asked a question at there forum no reply....not buying anything from Gaya anymore, and hope this helps others
  4. hi, I am registered at aitraffic, but get the following message; The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you. hoped that this ade fixed the AI not taking off....
  5. so because of a Xbox update the scenery is downgraded....... I am not too happy with this. Bad night lighting static aircraft disappered, and inside the terminal looks very ugly.....
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