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Posts posted by bernd1151

  1. 6 hours ago, BradB said:

    BTW - What a great post Bernd , loved the shots and the back stories. 

    Many thanks, John


    6 hours ago, gregmorin said:



    Simply fantastic post. Great shots and story!



    Thanks a lot, Greg


    3 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

    Very interesting back story to a great set of shots.

    The luxury launch, did that come with the Cityscape?


    Thanks, buddy. The yacht is the FSX one from Deltasim


    3 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

    Great post.



    Thank you very much


    1 hour ago, carlosqr said:

    Loved it, all of it

    Nice style

    I've been touring myself too but have not descended that low yet

    Thanks for sharing




    I'm happy you like them Carlos


    36 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

    Great post Bernd. Fantastic shots & narration! Nevertheless, I miss the people around, India does not look like India without masses of people.

    Many thanks, Gerold. I knew you would like them :) And of course you are correct re the people, even the noise, pigeons, even cows etc are part of the unique Indian experience. The only thing I can easily do without are stomach cramps from some of the dinners I had there, even in good restaurants.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  2. Having been to Mumbai so many times, this scenery was an instant buy for me. I only hope that the developers will one day also add Dehli, because this part of the world desperately needs more quality coverage.


    Like in the good old days, I arrived at my destination by boat. But of course I did not expect to get the royal welcome treatment :)



    Instead nobody bothered, which was fine of course







    My preferred stay in Mumbai was the Taj, and if possible a room in the old wing. It gives you the feeling that the days of the Raj are back. Maybe Gerold, who must have been to Mumbai as often as me, likes this hotel too  



    The view from the hotel’s roof is quite nice



    The swimming pool looks a bit better in reality, but that's alright :)



    Of course the adjacent newer hotel complex offers from its top an even better view





    An Indian business associate of mine invited me one day for lunch at the Royal Bombay Yacht Club (they never changed the name to Mumbai Yacht Club and dress code is still today strictly observed). But before we went there, he showed me a photo, quite similar to this one and asked me, which of these two buildings would I think to be the Yacht Club. I have been to the Karachi Yacht Club for lunch, so I pointed to the right building, as it looked very similar. Of course I was wrong, it is the red building to the left. The right one in this case is a hospital. A bit of trivia: when you enter the Yacht Club, it gives you the impression that the British Raj has actually never left India.



    The beauty of virtual travel is that you have the place you visit all to yourself. No pigeons, no vendors, no huge crowds and no one tries to steel your wallet







    Thanks for viewing




    • Like 8
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  3. 53 minutes ago, wolfko said:

    So Asobo knew they did not have to bother about a Harbour Bridge. ;)

    When we were alpha testing MSFS, we of course noticed that the bridge was missing, which was somewhat odd, as the Opera House was well modeled. We never got an answer from the development team, until someone from Sydney speculated that the city government had managed to have the bridge patent protected. No idea, whether this is true, but if it would be true, Asobo/MS would have to ask the city government for permission to model it into the sim, hence they didn't bother.

    On the other hand, if the Harbour Bridge is protected, the iconic Opera House must be patent protected too, but this one looks great in default. Oh well, just speculating. It's not really important anymore, I guess ;)

    • Like 1
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  4. 9 hours ago, Ken Hall said:

    I don't fly P3D anymore myself and there is so much to do for MSFS.


    Excellent work on this one, Ken!! Looking very much forward to buy it.

    Will you and Tim have a chance to develop your fantastic PNG airstrips for MSFS? I know quite a few people (myself included), for whom this would be like Xmas and Eastern together :)



    • Like 3
  5. A single customer looking for a discount, so?? May I quote myself:


    15 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

    Maybe you should take it up directly with management, so we get a definite answer on whether they will develop OLC Asia or at least the part of it, that is the more interesting one.


  6. 7 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

    remember the figure, it was 2000 customers. Let's say 600 if we split Asia into three reasonable parts. A quarter of these expressed their commitment to buy an OLC part of Asia. I think that's more than it looks like if we take into account that not all customers visit the forums and express their opinion there.

    You could be right, problem is we don't know. Only Orbx knows, whether OLC SA and Africa made them any money. Maybe you should take it up directly with management, so we get a definite answer on whether they will develop OLC Asia or at least the part of it, that is the more interesting one.

  7. 26 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

    We do not know on which base the development decisions are based. What we do know is that some people are not only interested to buy olc Asia, but even vote and comment here!

    That's fine, but I assume that you must be aware that you are betting here on a dead horse and that OLC Asia is never going to happen, as it will be commercial nonsense based on what we know for a couple of months now regarding MSFS

    • Confused 1
  8. 20 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

    Let's assume Orbx (or someone else) would make three OLC products for the area for P3D for EUR 30 each, these would generate EUR 12.690 just by the people who have a forum account and visit here often enough and who care enough to take part in such a poll.

    You remember the $/€ figure JV once quoted? :):)

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