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Posts posted by donbrindles

  1. Thanks for you speedy response Nick. I agree totally that the examples you cite define unscrupulous landlords. But with respect the comment in your response that "the definition of unscrupulous is the person whose only aim is to maximise their income" is a generalization which is questionable. Consider this. A person holds a cash ISA. Typically, the current annual interest rate for such an ISA is 0.4%...well below current UK inflation rates. The holder would lose money...so this person decides to switch to an investment ISA, managed by a reputable, FCA accredited investment management company. The company offers low, medium and high risk portfolios. This person, being risk averse, opts for a low risk portfolio. But a less risk averse person might opt for a high risk portfolio, seeking to maximize their income. Question:


    Is this person "unscrupulous" for seeking to maximize their income?


    Is it acceptable to seek not to maximize their income but to increase it via low or medium risk investment?

  2. On 7/9/2021 at 6:34 PM, Nick Cooper said:

    Arguably, both "scalpers" and unscrupulous "investors" are little different from criminals, the only

    real distinction being that the law sanctions their behaviour in the name of "business".



    Nick, this discussion seems far removed from flight simulation. However, as even you have been drawn into it I would be interested to explore your comment quoted above. What, in your view would be a "scrupulous" investor? How, if able, would you change the law to criminalize "unscrupulous" investors acting "in the name of business"?


    Regards, Don.

  3. Where to install P3D 5.2? My ssd is pretty full, with MSFS + P3D 4.5. I have plenty of room on my Seagate 1TB HDD. I understand that if I install 5.2 on this HDD loading time will be a bit longer, but once a flight is loaded it will run just the same as on an ssd...is this correct?


    Thanks for advice, Don.

  4. 12 hours ago, Smudger said:

    Hello Don

    I have P3Dv4.5 and P3Dv5.2 on their own drives, you would need to run P3Dv5.2 at least once when you have installed it to create the registry entry Central requires.

    You will not have to repurchase any Orbx scenery but it would be advisable to download afresh into P3Dv5.2 :)


    Thanks Smudger, most helpful...5.2 here I come!



    • Thanks 1
  5. I am running P3D 4.5 with Flyinside. I'm tempted to add P3D 5.2 to a separate drive...but don't want to lose 4.5 as Flyinside is not - yet - compatible with 5.2. Question: can I keep 4.5 and copy all my Orbx scenery from 4.5 to 5.2...or would I have to re-purchase it all for 5.2? (which would be a no no!) Or...would I have to uninstall 4.5 before installing all my Orbx scenery into 5.2?


    Regards, Don.

  6. Advice please. I've been with P3D 4.5 for a while now, exclusively VR with Rift S. But I'm now being tempted by P3D 5.2 in view of all the positive comments. I'd really appreciate hearing from anyone who has - or is - moving from 4.5 to 5.2, with Rift S...worth the move?


    Thanks, Don.

  7. On 5/30/2021 at 10:57 AM, Iain Emms said:

    Well chaps i spoke to soon i cant open MSFS today ive tried what i did with the Microsoft flightsim digital ownership but to no avail it will not start so at the moment i cant be bothered with this and will leave MSFS for now i will not spend hours messing trying to get something i spent over one hundred pounds on and expect to work only for it not too.

    Life is too short for this.




    Iain, I installed new freeware: nVidia Landmarks Taipei Xinyi District...booted up MSFS...wanted DVD disk...uninstalled Landmarks Taipei...booted up MSFS...no problem,



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  8. 4 hours ago, MarkB356 said:

    Hi,  I've looked through the forums and haven't seen mention of the Optica being developed for anything but MSFS.  Is the intention to release it for our other platforms?  Me on P3D v4 and I'm sure others with P3D v5 and X11 would like to know :-)


    Try Rikoo for a nice freeware Optica - I have it in P3D 4.5, think it's ok for 5 too,



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  9. On 10/31/2020 at 9:06 AM, vtracy said:

    Can I use this in VR? All the wonderful moving map/flight tracking... apps require that I exit VR, look at either the iPad or a window, and then go back to VR. Considering the popularity boost that VR will get when MSFS works in VR, it might be worth while to make the app usable in VR.



    Try Little Navmap with Flyinside...you'll get your moving map along side you in your VR cockpit,



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