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Everything posted by Silviu

  1. Nick, regarding your example, there is quite a difference in that both Aerosoft and Simmarket are EU companies, therefore they must charge VAT from the customers, whereas Orbx is an Australian company, from outside of EU. What Orbx didn't do is that they didn't explain to the customers what has happened lately and why, all of a sudden, they have started to charge VAT. The VAT charging mechanism is not something new.
  2. Until now, yes, European customers didn't pay local taxes for Orbx products. This has changed now, unfortunately. I think it depends on the turnover, I still cannot understand why some sellers charge taxes and some do not charge. For example, I can go now and buy addons from Flightbeam without VAT charged on top of the order, whereas FlyTampa charges VAT: both of these sellers are headquartered in USA, the purchase is made directly from them, and not a EU subsidiary (like Steam, Apple, EA have in Europe). I don't have a problem paying VAT for a product sold by a EU company (FSLabs or Navigraph), my problem is paying VAT for a product sold directly by a USA / Australian seller (Flytampa /Orbx). I still think it relates to the turnover in that region, otherwise I see no explanation.
  3. I am sure there is no base price increase, most probably Orbx will also confirm this. I am not an Australian customer, yet all my previous receipts stated "The total price includes GST for Australian customers", but it was 0 AUD included.
  4. Hello, There is no price increase: Orbx has just started, as of today, to charge VAT. Now, I won't discuss this (legal) decision, since they are forced to charge VAT, but, I would like to bring forward three points: 1. Customers will not pay all of a sudden with 19% more (European country). 2. Prepar3D is already an old platform, so it makes no sense to pay even higher prices for P3D addons. 3. MSFS 2020, in its premium package (which I own also), doesn't quite need addons, besides some study-level aircraft addons and some airports (after one exhausts the airports already included in the premium package) - especially for VFR flight, which is all about the surroundings, and not airports. I won't argue whether this full VAT increase is correct or not, I will just say that maybe Orbx should rethink the prices for European customers.
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