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  1. I'm talking specifically about Australian Customers. The receipts specifically state that GST is already included for Australian customers for products purchased prior to today. As of today, the prices have increased by the GST amount, meaning we are either getting charged with GST twice, they weren't charging GST previously despite saying so, or they have simply increased the base price of the product.
  2. Since my previous post was deleted, without reason or explanation... It was in response to this post, which is closed. https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/207218-Orbx-price-dramatic-increase/ The store is displaying an increase in price on products to what I have viewed previously. Items I have purchased show an increase of an amount that equates to GST, which is fine. However, all my receipts leading up to this point have stated that GST is included in my purchase. Example. I purchased Pago Pago a while back for $39.95 AUD. https://prnt.sc/12coz0f If I try purchase that now, it adds GST of $4 on top of that. https://prnt.sc/12coy7s The receipt in my original purchase says GST was included. Is there an error in the store, in which case I won't be making purchases until it's corrected, or were we not charged GST prior to 01 May?
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