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Confused and Frustrated

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Help! Please.


I am totally confused, frustrated and becoming apprehensive. I have Holgermesh, ORBX AUS, Orbx Global and have just installed ORBX Vectors in the belief that it will vastly improve what I see in FSX.


I flew in to Paro (VQPR) a few days ago with an Aerosoft A319 aircraft and was surprised that the terrain on the approach was not as I expected to see it. Before I could land I had to adjust the elevation in ADE as the airport, as it was, was sitting atop an elevated platform several hundred feet above the terrain. I managed to land, albeit rather heavily, after a steep approach but found that I could not get out again because of said terrain. The aircraft could not clear the terrain off either runway unless I had minimal (zero) passengers and about 10K fuel onboard and even then I was dragging the trees up with the undercarraige.


Instead of flying that A319 out I decided to fly the Twin Otter to Lukla (VNLK) but that airfield was sunk in a 1000' hole. It was at this point that I became aware of AEC in Global Vector but was very disspointed after the initial high expectations that it would not solve the problem at Lukla. I then decised to try AEC on Paro airport but that has been a disaster too. I have even adjusted the elevation at Paro and moved it in order that it conforms to Google Earth and to the Bhutan CAA AIP but to no avail. Actually my senery at Paro is now completely messed up with mountains, trees and all other sotrs encroaching onto the runway and the runway sitting in a 'relatively shallow' hole which makes the problem of terrain clearance even more problematic.


Having read a little from ORBX I am beginning to wonder whether I need to buy the PILOT's - FS Global 2010 9m mesh. I cannot be sure however whether that will solve my problems with Paro and Lukla in the short term but all the other interesting and demanding airfields around the world in the longer term. I am loath to spend money if it is not necessary.


I am also concerned that ORBX's claim that with its Global products its aim is to replace and vastly improve ALL of the FSX scenery, which I do agree is pretty bad in most cases; but at what cost? Fullterrain.com's website suggests that to complete the exercise we will need not only the Global products  (Base and Vectors) all of which are sold individually but also the LC products which cover much smaller areas and, again, will be sold individually. I fear however that to get even some benefit from my purchases to date I (might?) need to buy PILOT's FS Global 2010 which is going to cost close to another $100. Just a basic overall coverage therefore will end up costing an awful lot of money, much more than I had anticipated. 


The questions that I wish to ask, if someone can answer them for me is do I absolutely need PILOT's Global mesh programme and will it solve the problems with alpine airports like Paro and Lukla?



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Hi Mike:

Welcome to the forum!

Please kindly add your ORBX order numbers to your signature first to get the full support:


Also, here is the guide which will explain, how the products actually work:


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Persevere Budlake.. I cannot help you with your problems, but I assure you that you will get the help you need right here.. Thank you for your polite and understanding first post, and welcome to this great forum. Teecee.

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Hi Guys,


Thanks for your replies.


I read the ORBX guide that Vlad linked to - thanks Vlad - which did answer a lot of questions. However, I continued to be unhappy with the inconsistency of the AEC automatic configurator.


I determined that the core problem with Paro was with the terrain so I put hand into pocket and invested in Pilots FS Global 2010. ^-^


I set the a/c up at the default Lukla and got a WOW! from my better half, who takes NO interest in my flying. That one word expressed a thousand words! FS Global really comes of its own in rugged alpine regions it is fantastic!


The problem with the Microsoft version of Paro is the ARP for the airport is wrong. AEC, as far as I can determine, merely changes the ARP co-ordinates it does not change the ARP itself.


The ARP for Paro in the MS default is in, or behind, the terminal building but the real-world ARP is on the far edge of the runway at about the rwy's midpoint. As Paro is squeezed into a narrow valley along with a river and a road there is very little room to maneouvre and that is one reason why I was having problems with Paro, that difference with the ARP made it difficult to get right.


Once I installed FS Global 2010 and corrected Paro airport in ADE everything was in its right place!!!


I am in the process of correcting Lukla now, between my flying. Hopefully I will get as much success with that as I did with Paro.



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