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KWYS Buildings Issue


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I am still having an issue with buildings showing up at KWYS.  I did already search the forum database for resolutions and found the post about this.  I followed both solutions, with the first being to run the objectflow updater file in the scripts but that didn't help and then I searched for the objectflow_KWYS.dll file and my install didn't have it.  The objectflow updater did indicate an update and downloaded it and installed but that didn't fix the problem.  I do get static aircraft at the airport and surrounding scenery but no buildings for some reason.  I have numerous other ORBX airports and they don't have this issue, which I find odd.  Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


Jim Morvay

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Good day Jim,


No worries about not having ObjectFlow_KWYS.dll, with the 1.15 patch we've moved all of the ObjectFlow files to use the common module that is found in the libraries. The reason for KWYS's buildings not appearing when others do is that we used ObjectFlow to counteract some of the altitude issues with the airport where objects tend to "shift", so if the ObjectFlow module is not working then the buildings will not display. 


So a few things to try, first would be reinstalling the libraries just in case. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling the ObjectFlow DLL into the dll.xml by navigating to C:\...\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery running ModuleInstaller.exe, select "Uninstall Flight Simulator modules" and then "Install Flight Simulator modules" to put it back. You may receive a popup upon starting FSX that asks to trust the ObjectFlow.dll, select yes to trust. 

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Thank you very much for the information.  I'll give it a shot and see what the results are.  One other important detail I forgot to mention was that I am using FSX:SE, so I don't know if that makes a difference.  I have found during my re-instalation of all of my add-ons from ORBX, that a few of the airports threw a message about simconnect, but I think I fixed that ok with just installing simconnect manually.


-Jim Morvay




I did what you instructed and it still didn't bring the buildings back.  I suppose at this stage, it's not that big of a deal.  Perhaps uninstalling this airport and reinstalling it fresh may help?


Here are a couple of screenshots to show you what is happening:





Oddly enough, I can see deer roaming, so the creatureflow works:



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Reinstalling KWYS won't fix it, the airport relies on the ObjectFlow module which is a part of the libraries. If the module isn't working, any airport that uses it to control certain assets will not display those assets. In the case of KWYS we used ObjectFlow to display all the buildings as a work-around for elevation related object shift. Reinstalling the libraries is always worth a shot to try and get ObjectFlow hooked back in to the sim.


Now, based on your screenshots there is something much larger at hand. It looks like every object that calls a texture with a transparency is failing to render. Are you running FSX:SE in DX10 mode or using any sort of shader modifications?

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Reinstalling KWYS won't fix it, the airport relies on the ObjectFlow module which is a part of the libraries. If the module isn't working, any airport that uses it to control certain assets will not display those assets. In the case of KWYS we used ObjectFlow to display all the buildings as a work-around for elevation related object shift. Reinstalling the libraries is always worth a shot to try and get ObjectFlow hooked back in to the sim.


Now, based on your screenshots there is something much larger at hand. It looks like every object that calls a texture with a transparency is failing to render. Are you running FSX:SE in DX10 mode or using any sort of shader modifications?

Oddly enough, I didn't recognize any other issue, but then again, it is hard to judge what everything is supposed to look like.  I am running FSX:SE in DX10 mode (as well as using Steve's DX10 Fixer) so am I possibly not setting things correctly?


-Jim Morvay

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First off, thank you again for your help.  I backtracked and looked at what I'd been modifying starting with the nvidia inspector.  I found that the latest version wouldn't allow me to make changes to the FSX profile for some reason.  I tried an earlier version, but had the same issue.  After researching that issue online, I found someone stated trying to make the changes to the nvidia settings through the control panel instead of inspector.  I did so and saved the changes, which held this time.  I then took your advice about reinstalling the latest ORBX libraries but this time, by downloading it through support instead of through FTX Central 2, which I had been doing, thinking it was doing things right, but obviously not.  By installing the old way, that fixed not only the transparency issue but also brought everything back at KWYS, so essentially, the building issue has been fixed...pretty odd I think.


Now, I'll have fun revisiting the ORBX airports I have to see how much better they look and behave, thanks again Alex.  Btw, you folks may need to look into why the FTX Central 2 application isn't updating the libraries correctly, unless of course, it's because I am using FSX:SE?


-Jim Morvay

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Hi Jim,


Good to hear. On installing libraries through FTX Central vs downloading the executable, the way FTX Central updates the libraries is it just downloads new files not currently residing on the system. The executable deletes and reinstalls all libraries regardless of if they are updated, so in doing that it forces a fresh install of ObjectFlow which is very handy if it gets unhooked for whatever reason.


Happy flying,



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  • 2 weeks later...

HI. I experienced this exact issue with KWYS.

Resolved it the same way by manually downloading and installing the newest libraries. The objectflow.dll auto updates itself when FSX (boxed) is started.

I did auto download the libraries with the central version 2, but that obviously didn't work.


I'm a happy camper but must sleep now. 4 hours resolving this issues and 6 A.M. comes much too quickly.


Cheers !!!

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HI. I experienced this exact issue with KWYS.

Resolved it the same way by manually downloading and installing the newest libraries. The objectflow.dll auto updates itself when FSX (boxed) is started.

I did auto download the libraries with the central version 2, but that obviously didn't work.


I'm a happy camper but must sleep now. 4 hours resolving this issues and 6 A.M. comes much too quickly.


Cheers !!!

I noticed that objectflow tends to update itself twice, at least when it comes to FSX:SE.  The first, being the FTX Central V2 message when syncing and then again after starting up FSX:SE, I get a message that there is a newer version, do I want to download and install.  I have had mixed results when it comes to the second update.  Typically, if I choose to update objectflow while booting FSX:SE, I'll get "this program is not responding" or a fatal error which causes FSX:SE to shut down, and then immediately after, I get a dialog that states the install was successful and to restart FSX:SE (naw, really?).


It's a crapshoot when it comes to starting FSX:SE in general, but within the past 24 hours, it has started just fine so I won't look the proverbial gift horse in the mouth.  Maybe this was due to me blowing away the fsx.cfg I had and starting fresh and something may have snuck in there to cause the foul up.  Either way, she's running great now.


Thanks again for all of the help!



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