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Legacy drivers under Vista?


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Apologies if this is an idiot question, but does anyone know if there is any chance of Windows 2000 or NT or XP drivers working under Vista 64? I have a couple of Fujitsu 12" touch-screens, but I only have a pre-vista driver disk and I can't seem to find anything for Vista on the web. These things are great - I tried one out and I can run full-screen on my TH2GO while the GPS is now displayed on its own monitor, connected to my second graphic port. On my XP computer, I can then operate the GPS by pressing its buttons with my finger just like it was the real thing! It connects to a COM port for input. I tried installing the driver on the Vista machine, but while it appears to install okay I can't get the screen to work. I get an appropriate icon in the 32 bit control panel when I install, but when I run the 'calibrate' program I get the error message 'driver is not find', which isn't very encouraging! (One other wrinkle is I'm connecting it to a USB-to-serial adaptor, as my Vista machine doesn't actually have any COM ports, so I have yet to convince myself that the COM port works.)

Am I flogging a dead horse here, or is there hope?

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I was thinking the same thing  since the touch screen is most likely serial  use a plug in header for the main board rather than a serial-USB converter and your touch panel should run fine.

As for the video of the GPS if that window is undocked and then redocked where you want it it should stay put every time FSX is loaded.

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Now using a serial to USB adapator, have a look here,


Thanks, I got that update now. I did track down some hopeful-looking Vista drivers from Fujitsu (screen manufacturer) but so far I can't get them to install (it just immediately says 'The installation is not complete', which isn't a helpful error message!) I will persist with this as I'm sure there must be a solution.
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use a plug in header for the main board rather than a serial-USB converter and your touch panel should run fine.

I will probably source a header like you say, as the BIOS thinks I have two serial ports. But I don't think the screen will then 'just work' - I need something that knows how to talk to it!
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Have a look in the Manual for the mainboard as it should show the location of any serial and USB Audio and other header connection banks.

Unfortunately I have been unable to get a manual as this is an OEM board, but hopefully I will be able to identify the headers on the board.
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No Manual and OEM  Let me guess " Hardly Normal " if so this really ticks me off, if I bought an assembled OEM machine I would be demanding ALL installed Software on CD/DVD (This is a requirement by Law), even prebuilt Laptops you have the right to ask and recieve ALL software on CD/DVD so you can maintain you PC.

Hidden partitions and recovery disks are pain in the rear in this respect, so avoid them like the plaque.

Manuals and associated Literature for ALL hardware fitted + the PC is what you pay for so thats what you should get.

When I build a PC for some one I give the purchaser ALL documentation and Boxes associated with that build. And I'll spend an hour running them through backup and emergency procedures should they have problems.

Some OEM suppliers in this country should be shot as crooks.

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if I bought an assembled OEM machine I would be demanding ALL installed Software on CD/DVD (This is a requirement by Law)

Yeah I know, I know. It's the first pre-built PC I ever bought, and probably the last too. Maybe the laws are different in this country but I guess bad customer service is universal.
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