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FTX Global Base Installation Issue


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Can somebody please help me. I am trying to install FTX Global Base (Download from Flight Sim Store)  on to FSX using Windows 8. It installs fine until near the end of the installation I get an error message that states"FTXLights-Day.exe access denied. I have thought it may be a permission issue on Windows but that is all fine and checked. However, the above exe file is hidden within the install file.  Any ideas or advice would be very much appreciated....

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as a rule of thumb,

make sure your fsX install is excluded from Anti Virus programs, they all act differently and some of them just delete files on god knows what criteria

make sure to unzipp the installer into it's own folder

make sure you have Administrator rights and always run the installer by right-click and install as Administrator

make sure that the User Account Control is disabled

make sure that you have enough free space left on your C drive for the un-wrapper to do it's thing, safe to say the 20 G's is a minimum requirement

NEVER EVER try and run the installer from within the zip file, you are prone for faulty installs and other mishaps

for larger files use a download manager with resume option, in case the line get's screwed you can resume your download and do not need to start all over again

take your time, do not go on the click click click quick tour, you're prone to miss something and the guessing game starts as to what went wrong where

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