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I found a simple way to capture radio communications to add additional realism to videos since I don't have any specialized capture hardware. I found a recording app for my smartphone and set it to start recording the voices of an IFR Flight Plan so I could capture ATC communications and at the same time used FSRecorder so I would have the flight recorded and available for re-flying for the best views.  On the next pass I used the saved FSRecording in a "Play" session and then activated ShadowPlay to create the final recording making the views I like. Now .... I have the IFR flight in mp4 AND the ATC voices in wav on 2 separate files that I can combine and edit with video editing software.  The example I have below (the only one) is set in a misty June with a Mooney on an IFR Flight and illustrates that it can be done ...  and in my case a few moments of inattention to my altimeter correction and being 300' off my assigned altitude.  I edited out my getting bawled out by Center ...  (in the interest of cutting down the length of course).   Also ... my Title and Endings were somehow swapped and clipped/merged ... but I had too many hours invested to redo.






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