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unable to start imagetools.exe and failed to read from file FSX errors


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Hi Guys

I can't be sure these are related to FTX, but they arose after I mistakenly flew a couple of sessions outside Oz with FTX on. (I also installed a few freeware


Unable to start imagetools.exe (aircraft related? I know its part of the SDK) isn't a fatal error, but "failed to read from file" is. It can ocuur during loading, or shortly after loading is completed.

I rebuilt fsx.cfg and all seems OK in FTX, but I'm still getting "failed to read from file" outside Oz; FTX is off, and the scenery file rebuilds itself as usual.

Google has not been my friend here - I can find few refs to either error message,

Any help appreciated - I have a ton of addons installed, and I'm sorely tempted to get rid of much of them and do a clean install. (FTX first addon of course!).

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The application is called imagetool.exe and it is part of the FSX SDK, and none of the FTX applications use it, so it must be something you've installed which relies on it. I know many weather/cloud engines use imagetool.exe to expand clouds etc, when you select a theme, so perhaps that is a clue?

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Thanks for the quick reply John. I have REX running, but I've had it installed for a while now without problems.

I'm more concerned with "failed to read from file"  error as it causes FSX to crash. Could it be a problem with scenery.cfg?

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