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Problems with bridges after installing Vector


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I'm new to FTX Vector, but I decided to buy it after playing around with FTX Global Base. I used to have UTX USA 2.0, but was kind of disappointed with the roads looks, so I though removing it and installing Vector 1.20 would be better. So far I'm liking what I see, but now all my connecting road bridges are flickering like crazy! Nothing else flickers except for the bridges. Any ideas?

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Hello Johnny,


                     Could you please respond with coordinates, which can help me help you.Here is a post regarding important information  http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/70448-please-include-latlong-coordinate-and-screenshots-in-bug-reports/




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Hi RIchard, the problem is all over the globe, not just in one area. No matter where I fly and there is a bridge crossing a section of a road, the bridge shimmers. So giving a coordinate is not going to tell you what is wrong. I would be glad to post this on the in bug reports section, but if I give you a coordinate, I might as well give you the whole world.

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After further research, I found what the problem was. Although I had completely removed UTX from my computer, when I initially had installed UTX, UTX had removed the default "BridgeRoads" texture from my Scenery/Global/Texture folder. I found a post here in FTX Forum that provided the missing texture. I put it back where it belongs, and now there is no shimmer.  This is the link to the post: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/71359-sea-textures-are-now-land-textures/#entry656192

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