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Pagefile question


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Just a question regarding the page file settings in Windows Vista.

I can choose Vista to manage the page file size allowing it to grow in size as needed but some say this slows the system down?

.. others say to fix the pagefile size to a locked size at 4096 MBs.    Yet another says to make it small in size, say 512mb.

So does anyone know what to use for Flightsimming, FSX & FTX.

I have 4GBs of ram in my system.



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Hi Mark.  I'm not too sure about Vista per se` BUT don't what ever you do allow Vista to run your Page file. Like many user's with XP and XP Pro you are by far better to fix the page file to 4096 Min and Max size, in this way it does not continously grow and shrink causing defragmentation at that point on the HDD.

Move the pagefile.sys to its own directory preferably OFF and well away from the  "C:\" partition location that is default. DO NOT be suckered by the error message about the page file HAVING to be on "C:\" as this is total BS. The only reason for having the pagefile.sys on the Boot OS drive is for writing a dump file if there are errors and I doubt the average person here can even read let along understand this information.

The industry rule of thumb was 1.5 - 2 X system RAM size but you can only run up to a 4 Gb Page file anyway so since you have 4 Gb System RAM set it as 4096 Mb and leave it there.

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Thanks guys..      I will set it up as advised and go for a late night flight.    :)        "Any excuse to fly over my new YPEC airport."  LOL

....  its late, Im tired, but one little flight wont hurt    ... right.    ;D

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I have my FSX & FTX on my second drive.  Would having the page file on the second drive as well cause slowdown to FSX/FTX?

As the drive would be reading both FTX files and the page file or does it work different than that?

I only have the two drives. 

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I have my FSX & FTX on my second drive.  Would having the page file on the second drive as well cause slowdown to FSX/FTX?

As the drive would be reading both FTX files and the page file or does it work different than that?

I only have the two drives. 

Ah No I doubt it ,

Reason being the pagefile.sys is like to old swap file in earlier versions of "Louver's" but in general is managed better BUT that wouldn't be hard and it still isn't as efficient as the Windows 7 swap which is blinding.

Secondly the popular belief is your Textures constantly read from HDD in FSX, according to my sources they are not but they are cached to Video RAM (usually) and stored ready to expedite the graphics presentation on screen.

I forgot to mention that a smart move is to edit the registry ( EXERCISE EXTREME Caution if you are NOT familiar with doing so !! )  and set just 1 Temp Directory on your system too, and not the 3 that are currently used. This will also save seek time and clutter.

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Reading Microsoft's "Vista Inside Out" book, it is recommended NOT to set page file as a fixed size. Instead one should let the OS manage it. The claim is made that while previous versions of Windows were prone to fragmentation when using variable swap files, the book states that "[t]he memory management subsystems in Windows XP and Windows Vista have been tuned to minimize the likelihood of perfromance problems." p751. Perhaps my favorite thing about Vista (and presumably in Windows 7 as the code is largely the same) is that the OS takes care of itself. Or so is claimed!......

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And you trust Microsoft???

what? If you are using MS as and OS, you then go and read the LINUX manual on how to use/srtup the page file? Also if you are using MS as an OS then you trust MS! I would trust the manual more than the garbage I see on the web.

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