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Localised black/dark patches in water.

Andy Blair

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I’ve taken advantage of the current sale and made some major upgrades to my P3Dv2.4 virtual world (please see order #FSS0331943 in my signature).

I wanted to do more flying between the UK and the rest of the EU, so purchased FTX Global, FTX Vector and FTX openLC EU to compliment my EU UK regions. As far as scenery goes, I don’t have any other 3rd party scenery products – I’m 100% Orbx all the way.  I also made sure all my other Orbx products were up-to-date and installed the very latest Orbx objects library after everything else. I’ve successfully followed the PDF guide regarding creating an insertion point for the openLC entries and grouping  them all together in the correct place in the scenery library. I also have my FTX Central set to ‘FTX Global’ and have checked ‘hybrid mode’ .

I’ve since been testing out my new virtual world with a couple of short GA ‘hops’, one from the pay ware FTX EU EGHI (Southampton) to LFAC (Calais Dunkerque) and another from LFLY (Lyon Bron) to LFLB (Chambery Aix-de-Bains). I must say, from what I can see so far from those two short sessions, the transformation is breath-taking. Previously I would never fly anywhere I didn’t have an Orbx product for and now it feels like the whole world has been opened up to me.

Just one small issue I was hoping someone could help me with: I noticed in the first flight (EGHI-LFAC) that after I crossed the English Channel and made land over France, there was a large black patch in the water where the water met with the French shoreline. The black patch followed the profile of the shoreline but moving away from the shore, the patch abruptly ended with a sharp, straight edge. On the second flight (LFLY-LFLB) the same issue was evident on final approach for LFLB where a large section of the east shore of Lac du Bourget (the large lake immediately north of LFLB) appeared black with a sharp, straight edge out in the middle of the lake where ‘normal’ water textures resumed.

I have so many Orbx products installed now, I don’t really know where to begin to troubleshoot this. I noticed a few other posts about black water but those topics don’t seem to be addressing the same issue I’m having: Those posts seem to be about the overall colour of water being too dark, whereas I seem to have a glitch that is only affecting localised patches within bodies of water.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.



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Hello all,


I think I have the same problem. I just bought the base, vector and openlc package and did a fresh install of Windows 8.1 and Prepar3d. Right now, only Prepar3d v2.4 and the Orbx products (including the latest Orbx libraries from the website) are installed. Windows 8.1 has all the latest patches installed. On my very first test flight, everything looks great, besides the black texture patches in water areas. Here is my screenshot of the problem:




I don't know if that is important for you, but the screenshot is taken above the city of Vienna, near LOWW.


There are no other addons installed, everything is stock right now. 


I'd also appreciate any help on this problem.





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Ok so I did some troubleshooting and I was able to get rid of those black textures and to reproduce the error afterwards. I did the following (and that was actually the first thing I tried so this must be it):


In FTX Global Vector Configuration Tool, I unchecked the "Frozen Surface" checkbox. Now in all seasons water areas appeared as they should. If I check the "Frozen Surface" checkbox again, the black textures reappear in all season except winter (the frozen water textures appear as they should, so only water is affected by this).


I don't know if this helps the Dev guys for future bug fixing, but here is my configuration:


Prepar3d 2.4, all graphical settings maxed, FXAA deactivated (this does not affect the problem though, tried it)

GTX 670 w/ 2GB of RAM

Latest Nvidia driver 344.75 is installed, default settings

Windows 8.1, fully updated as of today





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I think I have the same problem.


Yeah DudeLebowski, it looks like you do - albeit your case looks much worse mine!


Here you go Wolter, a screenshot of one of the affected areas:




plus coords:




I'll try unchecking the 'Frozen Surface' checkbox too and see if it gets rid of my black textures too.


EDIT - I noticed a couple of things: I have FSUIPC set to save my flight every couple of minutes. After I took this shot, I resumed a slightly later saved flight, where I was almost over black texture. As the terrain was generating prior to launching the flight, the black texture was visible in the lake but once the flight launched, the black texture disappeared and the the correct water texture appeared in its place. However, just before I landed I decided to look back at the lake and the black texture reappeared...





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You are very welcome Andy...


Since I've never seen a frozen river with my own eyes (so why would I bother in the sim?), this doesn't bother me too much. Other than that, all the FTX products are brilliant!  


I think you found the 'official fix' for now, developers looking into the problem according to this thread:




Delighted these 'black holes' are banished for now, shame to spoil the otherwise incredible scenery! Never been happier with my sim.

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I think you found the 'official fix' for now, developers looking into the problem according to this thread:




Delighted these 'black holes' are banished for now, shame to spoil the otherwise incredible scenery! Never been happier with my sim.


I haven't seen that thread before, I am glad we are not the only ones with this problem. Well, than we just gonna have to wait for the fix. But who needs a frozen Thames or Danube anyway right? :D Although it would be nice to land a 737 on the frozen river Thames and park right next to Westminster Palace! Ah, I love simming ;)

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