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Uninstall and then reinstalling C182RG VH-JDW 100 file


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I have just recently "installed" the HDVC for the Carenado C182RG.  I believe I made a mistake by double clicking on the zip file, rather than unzipping version first and then installing.

I am using FSX/SP1 and XP/SP3 with all working fine.  After the installation of the above and then starting FSX a message appears warning of two files having the same name (ref. to Carenado HD).  Obviously something did not go as planed.

Could someone instruct me in how to remove the possibly offending files so that I could reinstall; or perhaps confirming that if I were to just double click on the now unzipped file, it will correct itself.

Thank you for your help.

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1. Navigate to \Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado C Skylane 182 RG II

2. Open the Aircraft.cfg file (you can use Notepad)

3 Scroll down in that file until you see something like this:


title=C Skylane II RG R182 VH-JDW HD






kb_checklists=Carenado C 182 Skylane RG Check

kb_reference=Carenado C 182 RG_ref



ui_type="C Skylane II RG R182"

ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"


ui_variation=VH-JDW HD

description="The Super-HD version of the C182RGII in VH-JDW livery, based on photos of the actual aircraft based at Jandakot, Perth Australia."







4. Remove that entry and any other entry which refers to the JDW repaint

5. Now re-run the installer

You should be all set. If that does not fix it there's something more sinister happening.

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Thank you very much.. It did work!.  Well spoted!!

For some reason (which I suspect it was me not unzipping), it installed [fltsim.4] and [fltsim.5] hence the error.  Found the .cfg file, open in 'wordpad', deleted the two addition, unzipped the download and clicked in the installation icon.  Very simple and straight forward (once one know!).

The results are superb.  I shall be downloading the Mooney tonight.  Carenado planes are already great, but the repaint makes them even better.  Well done FTX.

Thank you again

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