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I upgraded my computer with a new solid state hard drive to run windows 7 operating system.  I also had to re-install the Windows operating system from its original  disk into the new drive,  but now I find I have to re-install all my Microsoft flight simulator programs including all my Orbtx downloads and aircraft and other programs that I had in it all over again.  Where to start?  Is this like starting over again with a new computer ? since the new install my old drive C is now Drive E  I'm wondering will my Orbtx programs reload properly?      sailbuth310

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If you're starting from a fresh install of Windows, it should be fairly straightforward. First make sure you have the most recent installers from FSS as many now contain all available patches. 


From the look of it you have Australia, NA, NZ, EU, and the Global products so I would recommend you install in the following order:


-Australia SP4, followed by any Australia airports

-NA regions, followed by their airports

-NZ, followed by airports

-EU, followed by airports

-Global products


And wrap it all up with the libraries to get everything in sync. If you come across any issues or errors just let us know!

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Darn I started with the global products. And I'm about to start with AUS. So that won't work than?


It will work. There is no mandatory order: the list that Alex posted simply helps you to not forget anything, but if you want to, you can install everything in any order you want. Just make sure that the right regions are active when you install certain add ons and specially updates. (Simply READ the readme's! ;) ). And when you are done installing, install the latest library!


People usually don't buy add ons in a specific order and so they also don't install them in a specific order. ;) Just pick any order you want. I personally would also start with the Global stuff, then the regions and then the airports. But do whatever you like! Sometimes things can be refreshingly simple! :)


Alex's advice to download the latest installer is a good one though: that may save you having to install a load of patches because quite a few installers have been updated to include all updates. 

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That's correct, there used to be much more of a mandatory installation order but since all of the installers have been updated the order does not matter so much anymore. The best guideline would be to install would area at a time, for example EU and all airports at once. Or all the Global products at once.

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Thanks guys you all helped a lot,  I just hope I don't run into any more issues with this upgrade, so far its been a nightmare.  I'm now having an issue with internet download manager it does not want to download the updates for EU England< I think I have part of an old file still lurking somewhere that it is reading.  But thanks again guys your all grate  saidbutc310

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