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global install - photo mess


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just installed global last night and have been trying out various things.. 


before global - i had gex, utx and megascenery - nj installed . including several other ftx regions etc.. 



Last night before insalling global -- i uninstalled gex and megascenery  and left utx as is.. (per reading here)..  I uninstalled megascenery nj -- as i just wanted global to be the one be all solution for scenery.. 



So i installed global, the new patch (1.2) and orbx libs.. I can see in ftx central global coming up all good.. except when i go to my home airport 39N (Princeton NJ).. the photo mess is still on and has not been removed 



Can you point me in the right direction in getting this resolved? 



Posting a couple of photos of what i think is photo - mess 







Thank you 

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Photoreal always shows above landclass textures, no matter what the scenery lib position


I would say you have a rouge photoreal.bgl somewhere in your system for this area (3rd party airport? freeware addon maybe?), best and only way to nail the culprit is to untick the entries in the scenery library in FSX one by one or in groups of 5/10 depending on how many you have active, once it vanishes you'll have a clue which scenery folder holds the .bgl


Its not an Orbx addon as we have nothing in that area

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Tim - that was it :) - I think  


It was a entry for "Add on Scenery" and once i unchecked -- it seems to be alright.. Although i haven't seen what else isnt working :) -- Will check it out in the morning.. Thanks for your help. 

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