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No G/S on ILS 09/27 EGPB


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Hi there,


I'm missing the glideslope on ILS 27 (108,50) at EGBP. The localizer is on, it shows the correct DME-reading and identifies as "ISG", but I don't receive the glideslope. Any ideas?

Btw: great scenery, love it.


Happy landings


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it's been a few days and still no answer.

Could anyone tell me, if it's just me or do others have the same issue? If it was just me, i knew I'd have to dig into my system.

I am aware that rwy 09 is a LOC-Approach, so it's ok that there is no glideslope. But Rwy 27 has a full ILS and should therefore have a g/s.


Thank you



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Hi, it's me again.

It's a week now, and still no reply. What good is a Support Forum that doesn't offer Support?
But to be constructive, I tested the ILS with different planes. The odd thing is, that the Majestic Dash8 shows a glidepath, but as I am not yet very familiar with its systems, it might be an internal Interpretation of navigation data (such as the IAN Feature in the NGX). The NGX and JS41 show no glideslope. And as you can see on the Picture below, the localizer seems also incorrect. According to my Charts, the final approach track should be offset 3 ° right of centerline and intercept the centerline 0.4 NM before threshold. As you can see in the picture, the offset is to the left of centerline an doesn't intercept it at all.




Could anybody please check into this and at least tell me, if it occurs only on my machine. As the weather on the Shetlands seems to be not in favor of visual approaches, the ILS seems an important feature to me.


Kind regards


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As a supplement to my post of 30 May, yesterday I tried multiple Rwy 27 ILS approaches with each of the Aerosoft DHC6-100 Twin Otter (not the Extended version) and the Razbam Metroliner and I continue to have the glideslope problem which you highlighted.


What surprises me is that there have not been any posts but anyone else on this issue. I can't believe that the two of us are the only ones who have experienced it or that our experiences are coincidental.

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Hi Gartro,


as you may have noticed, my intervals in checking into my post become larger. Thanks again for your confirmation having the same issues. I assume you have Scotland installed and FTX Central set to Europe, as that is my configuration and i can see nothing wrong in that. I set FTX Central to DEFAULT which results in some odd Terrain at Sumburgh, but there's clearly an ILS to rwy 27 with a FAT offset to the right and a glideslope that is spot-on in the FSX standard scenery. So despite the lack of other users complaining i am pretty sure that there is something wrong within Scotland or Sumburgh. In any case it would be nice someone of Orbx would join our conversation. This is a Support Forum, isn't it?




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Couple of things to add, note the text from the NATS textual data document for EGPB:

09 - "Ignore any glidepath indications observed. The Localizer is offset 2.2° south of the extended RCL and intercepts at 1400m from THR 09"


27 - "The Localizer is offset 2.6° north of the extended RCL and intercepts at 723m from THR 27"


So apart from the missing G/S on 27, the approach actually appears correct. 



Re the G/S fix, I've actually amended the relevant BGL file to 'enable' the glideslope on 27 and it works just fine so an easy patch for the team to issue (if a MOD can confirm that I can post it here, I'll post a link to the updated files pending an official release)

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thank you for your contribution. So there is an ILS issue in the scenery and it has been reported to the developer on June 1st (see my other post on this Topic).

As to the offset, I disagree: A North-Offset to an 27 ILS is RIGHT from the centerline, and my picture clearly shows it LEFT of C/L (note that I wrote that the ILS without EGPB scenery seems to be spot on. I assume the runway in the Sumburgh-scenery is in a slightly different position than ihe one in the standard scenery,  But in any case, I agree that it should be easy to fix.)




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