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2 Greens


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Had a minor splinchter tightening moment late yesterday afternoon. We were returning to YSBK from YPMQ in a Citiation jet after doing aerial flood watch work with the SES up north. Instead of flying the normal circuit we did a low and slow pass over the western end of the field. "Strange", I thought - even stranger was when the co-pilot reached for the aircraft manual. "Hmmm.."  The pilot then turned around and told us that he only had 2 greens lights (nose and left) when he put the gear down and that they were changing bulbs on the errant landing gear indicator - fortunately that was the problem and we landed without incident.

That on top of 3 attempts to get a Metro into YGFN late Friday night in cloud down to 850ft with rain squalls across the field and then being socked in with low level cloud in a Squirrel between YCFS and YPMQ forcing us below 500ft along the coast really capped off an interesting number of sorties for the weekend.

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I had an issue once when flying an A36 Bonanza up victor1 to YWVA in daytime. For Victor1 I turned on all lights landing, nav and of course the beacon is always on. On d/wind to YWVA I put the undercarriage down and my heart jumped - no 3 greens! Ah then I remember a conversation I had a while back that if you have the nav lights on in the day time you cannot see the U/C lights as they are dimmed for night flying. Turned off the nav lights and was very relieved to see 3 greens!

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