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Cheap chip and OC or big boy


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Hi ladies & Gents,

Afraid this is another CPU upgrade question, i have been running an E6600 for a while now and obvisouly require an upgrade. Not in the position to upgrade MB etc do i7 is out. Was thinking about the E8500 and OC'ing it but Intel have deceided not to reduce their price on this chip, with the reductions on some of their top order Quads comming through a Q9450 is only $70 more.

Should i go the whole hog for the Q9450 os stick with the E8500?

One out of field possiable contender is the E5200 coming in at $110, whilst not a 'perfromance' chip its ability to be OC'd brings it firmly into the E8500's performance range, so i gess i have three options;

Wallet friendly E5200 (but perhaps not good enought for FSX?)

Middle of the road E8500

Top of my price range Q9450.

My guess is the Q however i'm intrested in any views you may have.


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There is quite a good article in the Feb 2009 isse of PC User, p 23-25 and they like the E5200 which they OC'd to 4GHz and obtained the same performance as the QX9650.

I recently rebuilt a rig with an E8600 (Vista64) and that runs FSX perfectly.



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peterhayes, exactly, that's what has me curious if they found a $120 (E5200) chip could perfrome almost the same as the Q9650 ($540 ish) why spend the extra dosh?

My thinking is the prices are there for a reason and whilst the E5200 may love to be OC'd i wonder if the lack of L2 cache would have an impact on FSX?

I did plan on buying an E8600 but intel has decided not too lower the prices on the E8500/8600's (unlike some of the higer end Quads) and with the introduction of the E5200 and the Aussie doliar in the doldrums they are not competative re bang for buck.

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I guess Quads are dropping due to the release of the i7, being a quad core chip. There is still a high demand for Dual core chips so the price will probably remain static in the market for some time.

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Guest boeingqa

guys l have a e8500 with 3 gig mem in 1 gig mods 1066 how do l overclock the cpu? l have never done this b 4 .. MB is a asus P5Q



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