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no 3 d textures houses outside broome airport au sp4


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hi to all and happy new year (very late )

that s 3 times i re install fsx im in dx9 win 7 64 bits version.

i don t undrstand why i dont have any 3 d textures houses in all au sp4 and also broome that i just bought .i have installed also the last librairies as mentionned.photos are also not working !! i have microsoft net framework 4.0 is it good or not cause i can t install net 3.5 i don t know why


FSS0265078 au sp4 and broome

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thx ian

but as i mentionned i have actually very big problems

photos are also not working

in fact i install also pnw wich i bought with 3w5 ,i install it and now when i touch the menu ,fsx crash to desktop and says error ,that s now 2 week-ends im trying to make it works im becomming crazy .............i can t even take pictures cause i dont know why it does nt work....

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You do need to have a stable FSX running SP2 or Acceleration, before installing FTX.


The menu-bar issue may be this:



particularly Tim's post:



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the two links you send me are not working for me .

i have done everything ,uac is off ,i install the dll wich tell me that it can t register it ,i also try the other dll that we don t need to register still don t work !!!  lol  i think i have a big problem ...

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the two links you send me are not working for me .

i have done everything ,uac is off ,i install the dll wich tell me that it can t register it ,i also try the other dll that we don t need to register still don t work !!!  lol  i think i have a big problem ...

You will need to be systematic, both with FSX and also with the forum use.


With the forum, you received validation instructions (including a link to a video) which you do not appear to have completed to finish your validation.  This is why you can not see the links I posted.


With FSX, it sounds like your basic installation is corrupted.


I would uninstall it, then find the Flight Simulator X directory and delete that.

Consider installing FSX in a non-"program files" directory to avoid "Access is denied" issues down the track.

Reinstall FSX, then update it ONLY once it is working at each stage (initial install)

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it was working very well until i install au sp 4 ,don"t you understand ????im not here for fun.i re install it about 4 times and im not going to pass my life to re install fsx.i install fsx sp1 then sp2 ,then it still works very good ,then i install au sp4 NOTHING ELSE ,and nothing is working,and i ve done this at least 4 times.i know you try your best and thx for that ,but that s not the solution ..

now i tell you that i tried your solution wich is not working for me .... so ? what do you suggest? im 55 old years man and certainly known informatics better than a lot of people over here ,sorry for my english im french .i try to post pictures to show you that uac is disable but it won t register the .dll ,so what do we do ?? am i going to ask a refund for ausp4 broome and pnw and pnj and 3w5 ?? i buy this more than 150 euros so i need to have solutions ..thx


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From what you have said,  FSX was entirely stable and running smoothly prior to installing FTX-Au-SP4

Since then you have problems running FSX at all, if I understand correctly.  Crashing when touching the [FSX] menu?



Net 4.0 should be fine.  This should not present a problem.

If you are happy with your FSX installation, then we'll proceed with that.

I am assuming that the FTX installer ran without reporting any errors?


I am not sure what you mean by "photos are also not working".  Are you referring to screenshots?

Also, exactly what is the error that FSX reports when it Crashes to Desktop.

Which dll's are you referring to?  uiautomationcore.dll ?  As far as I can recall, there are no DLLs within in FTX Au regions.  Objectflow DLLs for Broome.  Do you get a specific error?

The DLL issue may be able to be solved by manually attempting to register them, by navigating to the ORBX Broome folder, and running the moduleinstaller.exe


On occasion with large changes in scenery, FSX has refused to run until I reboot my computer.  I am yet to understand exactly why that is so, but a complete reboot is not a bad first step.

Then try running FSX.


If you get an error, can you please note what it is (Fr or En)

If you can capture a screenshot of the scenery anomalies, that would be helpful.  If not, I can't imagine that FTX is the cause of that as a problem, so there would need to be something else going on.

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i can t take pictures until i have to resolves this crash to desktop,so for this now it s impossible.

My Big problem NOW is that when i call the menu bar and go by example to commands fsx crash immediatly saying only "an error has occured" and that s all now ,what i just saw ,is that my keyboard is not recognize by fsx (that s why i can t take pictures lol),why ? that s a mystery again ,i say that because the "comands" menu when i use the menu bar during a fly,is crashing BUT not the others commands like sounds or view ect..that s maybe a first way to find the problem ..i come back later to see what s going on ..

thx ian

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The menu-bar crash to desktop you describe does sound like the uiautomationcore.dll fault I linked to above.

Have you fixed and registered that file at some point after installing FSX?

(to follow the links I posted you need to have made a post in the validation thread)


Keyboard not being recognised is very odd.  It could be associated with the same problem as the menu-bar crash.

Unfortunately, FSX is (in)famous for these sorts of annoyances.

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The menu-bar crash to desktop you describe does sound like the uiautomationcore.dll fault I linked to above.  YES

Have you fixed and registered that file at some point after installing FSX? i try but i also have an error The module "UIAutomationCore.dll" was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x8002801c.
For more information about this problem, search online using the error code as a search term

MY UAC IS TURN OFF,i just verify it with regedit,in fact it won t register the dll ,i think the problem is caused by that.


by the way it s a wireless keyboard microsoft .but he work cause i m actually writing with ...

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i ve done it too it still don t work lol !!! unbelievable !! well i see u tomorrow cause now im out with this i have past my sunday trying to resolves it ,i ll see tomorrow thx ian for your patience ,i also will try another keyboard we never know !! thx

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Eric, it's a difficult one.


Apparently you don't have permission to edit that part of the Windows registry.  Most usually this is because the cmd.exe window is not running with elevated priveleges (ie "Run as Administrator")

If that doesn't work, it is a little hard to know why, unless something is 'protecting' your registry by blocking access.


Some more notes:



You could try to activate the built-in "Super Administrator" account and register the service using that.  If that doesn't have permission, then nothing does!


(Note, this is just to sort the menu bar crash, we haven't started on the scenery anomalies, but objectflow modules may befall the same fate)

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hello Ian,

first of all i want to thank you for your patience and support. ^-^


last night around 22h30 in paris (France) where i live ,after dinner ,i came back to my pc and try something else , i simply , just delete my fsx.cfg, re launch fsx ,re doing my options in parameters , and you know what ?? no more problems ,it looks like that the the menu bar works now !! i will try again tomorrow cause i didn t fly to long but i fly with 2 different sceneries orbx ,pnw concrete, and oceania broome not a long time but enough to touch some several times the menu bar without crashs or rtd. that s looks like a good news but im still disappointing about that ,i don t understand how can fsx.cfd can do that ,i watch my old fsx.cfg and didn t find any troubles ,would you like to see it ian in case ...i will put the "RESOLVES" mention when i fly longer .... thx

tell me if you want to see my old fsx.cfg maybe you ll find the cause of this .. ::)


by the way ,3d houses are also back now in broome !!!

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