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Replacement for the JF Hawker 800XP wanted

John York

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I am so fed-up with this aircraft.


Has anyone any ideas to recommend one of similar size and speed but with a better windscreen (and yes, I have the amendment which is only marginally better) and better cockpit instruments?


What I need is something between the Cessna Mustang and the Learjet.


I've searched and searched but can't find anything that looks in the least bit realistic so......please?





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When you say something between the Mustang and Learjet, what size and mission profile are you seeking?

There just aren't many choices when it comes to bizjets. The only ones I can think of, in addition to what you have listed (Mustang and Lear) are ones in development:

Carenado Phenom 100

Lionheart Lear 24B

Eaglesoft Citation XLS+ (no clue if this project is dead or not)

Bombardier Challenger 605 (freeware but very nice) - http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/showthread.php?t=404789

And if you like corporate turboprops, the MilViz King Air 350 is going to be a real gem.


I am unaware of any other bizjets in development. It's an unfortunate void that doesn't get much attention from developers. I know it's a challenge to get permission from some corporate jet manufacturers. Others charge an insanely high copyright fee.


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I have the plane and like it ,it looks good  and has very nice  sound , that like number #1 to me , i think the VC is pretty good too, price is right , i bought the liveries also,  my one thing i can do without is those corny sunglasses the pilots wear

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Hm.  I've been flying the Hawker a bit more lately, and during a long...ish flight yesterday, on auto pilot, the engine died at 26000' and crashed into the ground!


Now what's the good of that?


However, my main complaint is the exaggerated angle they've made of the split in the screen so that the pilot's side is so very small by comparison with the other side.  It would never be like that.


As you say, the sound is good when its toned down to what you would genuinely hear in the cockpit and cabin and it does look nice.  Unfortunately, it seems long flights are out with it which rather negates the need for the extra speed.



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