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Confused on Correct Procedure for Installing FTXG


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I already have Pacific Northwest, Northern and Central Rockies, and Bozeman Airport installed. I also just purchased FTX Global. I would also like to install the Iceland demo. I do have Ground Environment X installed and saw in the Iceland Demo manual there should be no need to uninstall it before installing FTXG. However, I also have Ultimate Terrain USA, FS Genesis Landclass, and Mega Scenery Florida. Is it best to uninstall any or these before FTXG?  (Even if I can save more disk space since FTXG will take over any of what I have installed?)  I want to get it right and not mess things up.  Thanks.  Tom     Trans ID 99110305.

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If you switch to FTXG you will save disk space by first uninstalling GEX completely. FTXG will overwrite any installed GEX textures but of course the GEX program itself with all its files will take up space which you don't need anymore. 


UTX USA, the Genesis LC and Mega Scenery will still work with FTXG: UTX and LC will work together with it and Mega Scenery will simply take priority over FTXG. If you don't want to use them anymore, uninstall them, obviously. UTX will become a problem when you plan on getting Vector too (you should disable specific UTX options first) and UTX and Genesis will both become a problem when you also plan on getting OpenLC. But as for now, since you only have FTXG and want to use the Island demo, I would advice to only uninstall GEX before installing FTXG and that demo.

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To conform: Does FTXG mess with data placed by UTX LC such as golf courses and cities or does it only effect the textures?

And does it improve the default FSX desert textures around Dubai? I got Dubai ree booted AP and there is a nasty default FSX desert texture beyond the replaced area...


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