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Scenery lib config


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Hi and happy new year.  I have noticed that when i change locations in ftx central for instance from global to oceania or global to north america or to europe that the order of the entries in the scenery library never changes   is this correct ?

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It would depend on which mode of [Global] you use... Hybrid ticked or not ticked


With Hybrid ticked it should stay the same, with Hybrid unticked it will change between the regions and default/global


However the scenery library remains the same between [North America] and [Oceania], the only difference being the autogen/lclookup and other invisible changes

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so for instance if I click on ftx Europe then the europe entries should be at the top of the list under ozx, ftx libs and holger mesh.

I will check on that ... I haven't been up to Europe lately ....to cold!

thanks for the answer Tim.

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well than something is amiss  I never use hybrid mode . When I change the regions in ftx central and start the sim I get the message and loading bar saying updating scenery data base  but no matter what my scenery library  is always ozx, ozx lib,ftxaa airports, holgermesh,ftx aalibs  then all the ozy airports and custom scenery, then all the na airports and custon scenery for all my regions  and open lc last.



so even when global hybrid mode unticked is selected they remain and do not depart

of course i can correct this by using the insertion tool and setting ftx  fat region scenery under the global open lc scenery and utx ... would this be ok?

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I'll try explain again


[Global] and 'Hybrid' unticked will de-activate only the FTXregions, but leaves Orbx airports, Orbxlibs and the OpenLC folders, and anything else you have... Vector, mesh, ozx etc


[North America/Oceania/Europe] will activate all your regions, and swap in the chosen regions custom autogen textures, and other special landclass system related files


[Global] and 'Hybrid' ticked  will activate all the FTXregions (and all the Orbx airports) at the same time except with some small compromises in the autogen



Theres nothing really to worry about, FTXcentral does what it does automatically depending on which setting you have it in, the only manual thing you need to do is set an 'insertion point' if you have any 3rd party scenery that requires being above the FTX regions (other companies airports etc) or items that must be below (OpenLC entries, scenerytech etc)


If you need assistance in setting up an insertion point just let me know

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