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FTX IRELAND - Some more issues


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Am enjoying FTX Ireland which I have used to replace my Horizon VFR Gen X scenery for the country. However, although I appreciate that Orbx/FTX scenery is not photoreal, there are some issues which I have identified which don't seem to have been covered in previous posts:


1. There is a large area (more than 200 sq km) of north County Clare, just south of Galway Bay called the Burren, which basically consists of hills and fields made of grey limestone rock - almost no trees whatsoever grow in this area and there is very little grass, but this doesn't appear to have been replicated at all in FTX Ireland where the area is depicted as green and full of trees! Indeed much of North County Clare, even beyond the Burren area, has very few trees. An online search for photos of the Burren will show what I mean - Wikipedia also has some views which give you an idea of the type of unique landscape to which I am referring.




2. The Aran Islands in Galway Bay are also basically devoid of trees in the real world but with barren fields surrounded by stone walls. In FTX Ireland however, all three Aran Islands appear quite densely covered with trees and look quite lush with vegetation! I am also attaching a real world aerial photo which of Inismore Airfield on the Aran Island which I took myself (many years ago when it just possessed a grass runway) which gives you an idea of the landscape of the Aran Islands - again you will note, no trees!






3. The bridge over the River Shannon south of EICN is in reality a tunnel under the river!




4. There are strange blue areas, almost like water extending up along the sides of the Wicklow Mountains just south of Dublin city.






I am going to attempt to upload some screenshots demonstrating these issues and I wondered whether you could incorporate fixes into any future patches which you might develop for this.


Thank you to all the team for developing such great scenery and I look forward to more!



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Thanks for replying Teecee - that is more like what I would have expected in the WIcklow Mountains so you may be right and perhaps it is an installation problem as you suggest. All of my libraries and patches are up to date and I had actually uninstalled and reinstalled FTX Ireland already but nothing changed. Perhaps my download was corrupt so I will redownload and reinstall FTX Ireland and see if things have changed.

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Have uninstalled FTX Ireland, redownloaded a fresh copy and reinstalled it but the issues persist. I am beginning to wonder if I am seeing default textures coming through rather than the proper FTX textures but why? Any help ideas would be appreciated.


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Only thing I can think is did you remove Horizon or just deactivate? and secondly, do you have orbx Global installed? and if so please ensure the files are at the bottom of the Orbx list.. Beyond that mate, you will have to wait for the Techs to talk to you. Teecee.

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Only thing I can think is did you remove Horizon or just deactivate? and secondly, do you have orbx Global installed? and if so please ensure the files are at the bottom of the Orbx list.. Beyond that mate, you will have to wait for the Techs to talk to you. Teecee.


Thanks again Teecee. I removed the Horizon scenery rather than just deactivating. I have Orbx FTX Global installed including the latest update - which files are you referring to that should be at the bottom of the Orbx list (I assume by that you mean the scenery library)?



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No problem but thank you anyway for all your ideas. I very much appreciated your replies and the effort you made to help - I thought you might have 'struck oil' with your idea about the position of FTX Global in the scenery library, especially when I found my entries were at the top of the other Orbx entries, but sadly it didn't work. Will wait for the Techs, but the more I look at this the more I think it is an installation problem with my system rather than any inherent problem in FTX Ireland (with the exception perhaps of the bridge south of EICN!). Just odd that all my other Orbx titles installed seamlessly! I am also looking forward to installing EU England and Wales but will hold off with those until I resolve Ireland!


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Bill: The FTX Global is "just" texture replacement thing. It's got nothing to do with what you're seeing. Also, the textures don't reside in ORBX folders. Right now my best advice would be to reinstall the latest libraries after you've updated everything you've got with the latest patches. Are you quite sure you've got nothing non ORBX in your scenery "floating" around which may be taking the priority? :) The install should be (and certainly is) a very straight forward affair...

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Thanks Vlad! My concern is that there may be something non Orbx floating around, as you suggest, after uninstalling Horizon VFR Gen X Ireland but the problem is I have no idea what that might be or where it might be! I didn't just deactivate the Gen X scenery but I actually uninstalled it.


With regard to patches, I thought I had kept all my Orbx sceneries up to date with the latest patches but I will recheck that once again just in case there is something I have missed and reinstall the latest library once again after that (I normally reinstall the most recent library after each new addon however and I have quite a few other Orbx addons, the installations of which have all gone smoothly apart from this one!). Will give what you suggested a try and see if I can get Ireland back on FTX track!



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I'm not entirely certain, but that looks like an ancient FTX Central. You might want to install latest ORBXLIBS (mentioned in the Release Announcements forum) and see if that helps.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


That screenshot was not of my FTX Central - it was from Teecee!



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Bill: The FTX Global is "just" texture replacement thing. It's got nothing to do with what you're seeing. Also, the textures don't reside in ORBX folders. Right now my best advice would be to reinstall the latest libraries after you've updated everything you've got with the latest patches. Are you quite sure you've got nothing non ORBX in your scenery "floating" around which may be taking the priority? :) The install should be (and certainly is) a very straight forward affair...


Have updated everything Orbx (there were only 3 which I hadn't previously updated with the latest patches - YPEC, NA CRM, NRM and PNW) following which I once again reinstalled the latest libraries but sadly no change :-[.


My next plan is to install FSX on another computer, create a 'sandbox' and then install the Horizon Ireland Gen X scenery to that just to see exactly where it places files, in case any have been left over after the uninstall. Any other ideas however would be gratefully appreciated as this is becoming a little frustrating!



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Have updated everything Orbx (there were only 3 which I hadn't previously updated with the latest patches - YPEC, NA CRM, NRM and PNW) following which I once again reinstalled the latest libraries but sadly no change :-[.


My next plan is to install FSX on another computer, create a 'sandbox' and then install the Horizon Ireland Gen X scenery to that just to see exactly where it places files, in case any have been left over after the uninstall. Any other ideas however would be gratefully appreciated as this is becoming a little frustrating!




Well I have installed Horizon Gen X Ireland to an FSX sandbox on another computer and examined the folders/files installed - they were all placed in one folder called Playsims within FSX with no files, as far as I can see, being placed elsewhere in FSX. So it doesn't seem as if I can blame any files floating around after the Horizon Gen X uninstallation. I remain stumped but will wait for the Techs to reappear after the Christmas holidays and maybe they will be able to help.



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I have added the bridge to the fix list, now to see if we can sort out the rest.

1. what is FTX Central set to? (Europe or global)

2. Is there anything else listed in your scenery library apart from orbx and default?

3. Can you try unticking all Orbx entries apart from IRL and Orbx libs and test



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Hi Paul - thanks for the reply.


In the interim, I have now got FTX Ireland running properly (I think!) but I am not yet sure what the culprit was! I have a very large amount of addon scenery, almost all payware apart from the George Keogh freeware Irish airfield series most of which had been in use without any problems before I discovered Orbx and started to add their scenery. I should add that I have never had a problem with any Orbx addons, of which as you can see I have quite a few, until now.


Just to summarise what I have done so far in manipulating scenery addons which I thought might be relevant to the problem: None of the following manouvers appeared to have made any difference and the problem persisted - running it with FTX Central set to Europe, Global or Global/hybrid; unticking all the UTX Europe entries; unticking all the George Keogh freeware airfields; unticking all the Orbx entries (as you suggest) apart from IRL and the Orbx libraries.


Now, as well as leaving all the Orbx entries (apart from IRL and libraries) unticked, I have tested it with all the George Keogh freeware and the Eiresim Airports (EINN, EIDW and EICK) unticked and it appears to be running properly (hurray!) with FTX Central set to Europe. I am now going to reactivate each one of these in turn, starting with the Eiresim airports, then the Keogh airfields and finally all of the other Orbx entries and try to identify the culrpit. I will feed back to you once I have done that as I am sure there must be others with this combination of addon scenery for Ireland in use.


By the way, the correctly running scenery is superb! Many thanks to you and the team for this.



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Just to provide some feedback on the issues I encountered in case anyone else has similar problems. The main culprits appear to have been landclass files related to Eiresim Dublin and Cork airports (you were right Vlad!). The LC files connected with the EIDW installation were responsible for the problems in the area of the Wicklow Mountains south of Dublin and also for an excess of trees almost obscuring everything else in a large area north and west of EIDW (Curiously I had also noticed an excess of trees to the east of Aldergrove EGAA in Northern Ireland, the one time I flew in there and these were also related to the Eiresim Dublin LC files!!). All of these problems were solved by unticking this entry. With regard to the Burren area of north County Clare and the Aran Islands, the excess of trees in both was due to the Eiresim Cork landclass files and unticking them resolves the problem. Shannon also contains a LC file but this only seems to relate to the golf course within the airport boundary. Excluding these landclass entries does not seem to cause any problem with the Eiresim airport sceneries themselves on a preliminary and relatively brief check. Clearly this is a compatibility issue and I will post with regard to these in the Compatibility section of the forum. There are also a few compatibility issues which I have discovered with George Keogh's freeware sceneries and I will bring those to that forum also.


Paul, with regard to the FTX Ireland scenery itself, which is wonderful, could I make a couple of more suggestions for your kind consideration in any future patch, mainly related to the west of Ireland:


1. Would it be possible to add some autogen houses to the Aran Islands at the mouth of Galway Bay? These are actually fairly densely populated islands considering their small size and one of the striking features when you fly over them in real life are the white cottages dotted everywhere particularly along the slightly more sheltered northeast coast of Inismore (see the real world photo I uploaded in my first post), but, despite the fact that my autogen is turned up to max, there appears to be no autogen buildings present on the islands at all. The small village and harbour of Kilronan on Inismore, across the bay from the airfield, also does not appear to have been represented, yet is a quite a feature on take off from Inismore as you tend to fly straight towards it!


2. A small point unless you know the area well - the area of the Burren in North County Clare to which I referred in my first post is depicted with an almost amber/brown/green texture as if there is a lot of scrub and short grass. In reality however the overall impression on flying over the area is of grey stone with almost no grass visible - it is just an area of fissured and terraced rock! I would suggest the grey stone like textures which you applied to the cliffs around Black Head would be much closer to the mark and should extend over much of the hills in this unique 200+ sq km area replacing the amber/brown/green texture. The area can take on an amber tinge on the rare evening with a golden sunset! I know I am being picky here but this large area is quite unique in Western Europe (indeed much of the adjacent Aran Islands have a similar fissured grey rocky surface as you can see on Google Earth. I am attaching a couple of photos of the Burren to give you an idea of what I am trying to describe as well as a screenshot from FSX taken just north of the Black Head lighthouse.










As I have said at the beginning of this thread, I appreciate that this is not photoreal scenery and although I might be accused of being picky, I feel that an already excellent product could be made even better if these changes could somehow be incorporated in any patch. Thank you once again for such great scenery and thanks also to everyone who took the trouble to reply.



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Thanks Vlad! I learned to fly in the real world at EICN (Coonagh) many years ago (some say if you learned to fly there you could land virtually anywhere!) and so am very familiar with the area - EINN was just 5 minutes down the river and the Aran Islands were a regular destination. Hope you manage to visit - it is beautiful, just come prepared for the rain (but even in the rain the west of Ireland has an atmosphere unique to itself - it is said that you can experience all four seasons in one day there and that is not far from the truth) and anything better is a bonus!



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My apologies to Paul and the team - there are houses visible on the Aran Islands and the village of Kilronan is present. Basic error on my part - had forgotten I had previously reduced my autogen settings and had not turned them back up to max when I looked at Inismore! So please ignore suggestion number 1 above.

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