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No AI Traffic at 05S


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I downloaded and installed 05S yesterday. After installing it I noticed there is no AI aircraft nor people flow. I did in fact click yes when the object installer came up after starting FSX for the first time after the install. Everything else seems to be there. Any suggestions???? My order number is FSS0254280. Thanks in advance.


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Thanks Misha,

  There are two other NA Orbx airports still waiting for AI aircraft. They are

KBZN (Bozeman) and  PAEN (Kenai). This may not happen though, for reasons of technical incompatabilities,for example. parking spaces..etc.  We'll see.



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Yes at the moment AI does not exist at the airport however it should be looked at for a patch. As for the people flow, they only appear from spring-fall and during the day.


Correction, in my original post I said AI traffic, but what I actually meant was the Static Flow traffic. There are no aircraft whatsoever at the airport for me. In the screenshots for the preview I've noticed several different aircraft. Is this correct?


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In that case it seems that your ObjectFlow module did not install correctly. Are you also not seeing any grass or Creature Flow?

To fix this, go to the airport folder at FSX/ORBX/FTX_NA/FTX_AA_05S/Scenery and run the ModuleInstaller file and install the flight simulator module.


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Good news and bad news.  I reran the ModulelInstaller fine and did a restart of the computer.  I good news is that I have Static flow traffic.  The bad news is that the Baron located on the west end of the field near the red barn appeared only once for a split second and then disappeared. I'm wondering if that means I have something incorrect in the settings????? I switched seasons and I have traffic at all other locations except for the Baron at the barn.  Also, I'm getting these weird boxes showing up and lots of shimmering.  Once again, I'm wondering if it's due to a setting.  I've posted several screenshots so you can take a look for yourself.  Thanks for the support thus far.



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Very strange, first of all with the shimmering box, make sure you have 'ground scenery shadows' unchecked.

As for the aircraft I'm not too sure. Are you also seeing 3D grass, and peopleflow at the airport? If you are it shows that ObjectFlow is working and there may be a problem with your specific static aircraft file.


I also noticed you're missing a large chuck on autogen, try re running the lastest orbxlibs from here- http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/70086-orbxlibs-131215-for-fsxp3dv1/


And if that doesnt restore the trees download and install this file from this link- http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/70454-no-trees-at-vernonia/?p=648603



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Thanks for the info.  The scenery looks exactly as it should now. I now have the autogen and the trees. I have people flow but the Static air traffic is "hit and miss" which is really strange.  It's not that big of  a deal to me so don't sweat it. I'm really enjoying the scenery. You truly did a phenomenal job with it.



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