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RV4 click spots


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Hi Jared,


I've been flying the RV4 more recently, getting to grips with the AF and A/P. Loving it, but ... often times I lose the click spots around the VC.

Sometime lost to the point that the mouse cursor won't even change to the little hand - other times so it does change, but a click has no effect.

Most times, using ALT-ENTER to switch from full screen (my normal mode) to windowed and then back will fix it temporarily (it will happen again a short while later).

Sometimes it won't fix it, but going back to windowed and doing the click-job there before going back full screen will work.

A little frustrating.


(I'm also finding working some of the controls a little fiddly using the mouse in the VC; like 'turning' the knobs; but that is another story; I'm sure I'll get used to it)





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Ah, right-o then. I really must consider a new system sometime 2014, but it might have to wait a while!

Meanwhile, I'll wind a couple of sliders down a bit; shame to lose the eye-candy though, given I'm only ever low and slow and do actually miss it.

Never mind, thanks mate.

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