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POI popping in and out of view at short distance in FTX Ireland


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just had my first flight in FTX: EU IRL and though I enjoy the scenery very much, I encountered a strange problem at my favourite place in Ireland, the Cliffs of Moher. The O`Briens Tower, an important landmark there, is only displayed at a very short distance. At first I thought it wasn´t there at all, but because of some preview screenshots of it I knew it HAD to be there. When I got within about 200 metres from the cliff, it suddenly popped into view. I flew over it and again, when it was about 200 metres behind me, it disappeared again. The same happens when I use the zoom function to zoom in very closely from a long distance. At a certain point, it suddely appears out of nowhere. The, less important, surrounding autogen buildings are displayed from much further away. My LOD Radius is set to extremely dense in Prepar3d V1.4 so that can`t be the problem. Also, other POIs like the Rock of Cashel are displayed from miles away, while the surrounding autogen is shown much later (which, I guess, is the way it should be: to display the important landmarks from far away so they can be used for VFR Flying). So it seems to be a problem of the specific O Brien´s Tower model. I didn`t have time to test all the other POIs of course, and though it is a minor problem, it´s a bit sad cause it`s one of the nicest regions in Ireland.


Maybe someone can tell me if they also experience this problem or if it is specific to my setup?







EDIT: I also just noticed that the Aran Islands, which are close by, are shown as completely uninhabited, without a single autogen building on them, while in reality there are some small villages on them (if they were uninhabited the airports on them wouldn´t make much sense....). Is this on purpose or do I have a bad install?

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