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Scenery bugs in TFXAUSP4


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I would like to bring to the attention of the developers three bugs I have discovered so far.

  1. Temora NSW, a road running East West and abutting the threshold of RW36, it is most disturbing with road  traffic running on it, crossing the runway centreline while on short final. in reality that road does not exist.
  2. Newcastle Westpac Base, is this a joke? The runway is cluttered with buildings, beacon towers, etc. The reason I asked "is this a joke" because it is quite funny but some people might take it seriously and expect to be able to take off from it.
  3. The strip between the road and the beach abeam Gold Coast airport looks atrocious. It really spoils the otherwise magnificent landscape further inland.

I have screenshots for all these but, being a newbi I haven't yet learnt how to upload them.


I am thrilled with my new Orbx Global and AUSP4, it would be nice to have a payware product developed for Temora which is the premier warbird museum in Australia, with all exhibits airworthy and flying regularly. In fact it would be very nice to have many other small Australian airports as payware.

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I cant speak for the road or Gold coast strip as this is not my area of expertise, but is generally within the limits of a landclass based product, perhaps a picture of the strip might help, see here for tips on posting pictures http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/38447-how-to-post-a-screenshot-on-the-orbx-forums/


Newcastle Westpac base is actually a helicopter base, not a runway, I recall someone at Ozx http://aussiex.org/forum/ was working on a freeware addon for that... might be worth having a hunt for that



I would love to develop Temora, been there for an airshow and loved it, but... if people want to see more Australian airports they need to buy more Australian airport products, at the current rate its not going to happen again (at least not from me), simple as that. :)

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