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New pic with good FPS


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DX10, bloom, shadow, flare, aa, anisotropic , download wind, all slider end right but road trafic at 10%  airline general airport trafic and others at 50% .

FPS 47.8

http://Posted Image

FPS 62.9

http://Posted Image

FPS 58.3

http://Posted Image

FPS 48.0

http://Posted Image

FPS 50.9

http://Posted Image

FPS 40.2

http://Posted Image

FPS 63.1

http://Posted Image

FPS 62.7

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Super pictures Alain but, oh my goodness, was that article (what little I could understand of it!) boring? ???::)

Congratulations on having your machine set up so successfully.  You are obviously very pleased with it,  and I'm glad for you.

Actually, I haven't heard many on this forum who are not happy with their machinery.  That's not to say some of us wouldn't swap our gear for more powerful stuff if we could but so far, for me at any rate, I don't think the new stuff coming on to the market is so tremendously different enough to make me want to upgrade my present setup.

Best wishes for the new year.  It certainly looks as if you are going to be flying a lot! ;);D


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Super pictures Alain but, oh my goodness, was that article (what little I could understand of it!) boring? ???::)

Congratulations on having your machine set up so successfully.  You are obviously very pleased with it,  and I'm glad for you.

Actually, I haven't heard many on this forum who are not happy with their machinery.  That's not to say some of us wouldn't swap our gear for more powerful stuff if we could but so far, for me at any rate, I don't think the new stuff coming on to the market is so tremendously different enough to make me want to upgrade my present setup.

Best wishes for the new year.  It certainly looks as if you are going to be flying a lot! ;);D


I John, don't get me wrong here I was not bragging about my rig (well ok a little maybe..lol) after seeing other's pictures they all should be happy with their rig. I understand the boring side of the article :o)........I put it there because a lot of posting from others (I'm not targeting this forum) are debating if FSX is a multi-threading game and what will make the game better between a faster 2 core CPU or a slower 4 core CPU for somebody who is thinking about upgrading their CPU, so as you can see the best for FSX is to have the fastest multi-threading CPU capability and as many core as you can get. Not to many past CPU were multi-threading capable ( mine was one of them) but now with the i7 this problem do not exist anymore.

Thank you for taking the time to post a reply.

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