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installing PFJ and NZ south after PNW


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I am very sorry if this is already covered but I have searched the forum for over an hour for an answer so even if so, perhaps it's not too obvious.


(This is a long post So I've boldened the pertinent questions incase the rest is not nessesary.)


I have recently installed the PNW region (first orbx product on my machine - boxed) along with Cusman meadows, hobby field (both also boxed) and all the freeware airports for PNW. I've added patch 005 for PNW, and the patch for cushman along with the latest library. All been fine since I installed several weeks ago.


Being so impressed (a. with product and b. with relative trouble free installation) I bought the boxed versions of new zealand (south) and NA PFJ and milford sound for NZ.


I decided to do a quick scan of the forum before instalation of these latest and check for patches so I have a to do list - and found the following thread:




this is very helpful but as I have bought the NZ and PFJ products after PNW is all installed I seem to be out of synch with the install order, per the instructions.


I have some cognitive difficulties so please don't shoot me down. I'm not however, totally obtuse as I have managed to get a nice stable install of FSX (acceleration) and all the standard addons (REX, GEX & UTX Europe, EZdoc, trackIR5, some payware aircraft, audio environment GA edition) without any prior working knowlege of pc settup or building. So yes I am a noob and do have some cognitive problems (which requires instrucions to be clear) but am not an imbeciule - is my point. I have just about reached mental saturation point though now and only purchased the extra orbx products above as the install wizzard seemed as though it was well thought out and more or less existed to handle the sceneries as added without fuss (wiith the caveat that simple instructions are followed i.e. deselecting/selecting regions as required for patches etc via FTX central).  I'm sure the word "Seamlessly" was used more than once in the marketing I've read. I hope I'm still correct about that but I'd rather check.


so I would really appreciate some straight-forward advice as to whether I now need to uninstall PNW in order to install PFJ and NZ south with Milford sound (or any subsequent orbx regions/airports) in the order given in the above thread or if I am OK to install these 3 further items as close to the order specified without any problems.


I would have expected that to be fine as I'm sure not everyone purchases orbx products in an exact order but am a bit concerned about how the instructions in the thread above are very specific about the order these things should have been done.


I have put a lot of work and time and it has been harder for me than I imagine it is for most because of my cognitive difficulties so if I've already gone off track by puttign PNW on first I'd rather take the hit on the £100 odd that I've spent than screw up all the hard work I've put in as I really like flying in PNW and I would rather go on enjoying that as a complete uninstall reinstall is beyond my already stretched ability at present.


Sorry about the lengh of my post but I notice that some other memebers have been chastised for not providing enough info so didn't want to fall into that category. I'll be happy to provide any other info needed please just ask (nicely)


Thanks !!!!!!!!


ps - question 2: If I now add another PNW airport do I need to re run the PNW patch (005)? I think that's what I'm being told to do by the instructions in the pinned update post regarding this but it seems odd,  so perhaps I've missunderstood. I certainly hope it doesn't mean I need to uninstall/reinstall PNW and each airport everytime I decide to add an airport. I'm sure this is me being over-cautious as such a situation would obviously quite ridiculous but clarification would put my mind at rest as I was intending to probably buy all the PNW airports eventually (but not all at once).


Double Thanks!!!!



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Hi, you don't need to uninstall PNW in order to install PFJ and NZSI. Make sure, before the installation, to set your FTX central on Default. Close then FTX central with DEFAULT applied and install the new region, for instance PFJ. At the end of its installation make sure to apply in FTX central North America region, then close FTX central and install the patch to upgrade it (no need for PFJ but there are 2 patches for NZSI and this time FTX central have to be set previously the installation of the patches on Australia/Oceania).

When you have to install an airport, please set before FTX central on the region that contains that airport, you don't need to install again the upgrade patch by the way (in your question patch PNW.005).

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