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Fuel at Jeneau PAJN


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I posted this in the Review area and was asked to post it here. I couldn

t find this area to start with.

Is this the area to post an omission? At PAJN, there is a park for the fuel truck, but if you call it you get a banner that says" No fuels are avaliable at this airport". There are no fuel squares either at this airport.

So ................. How real is this? It seems that someone used a regular taxi link from/ to the fuel truck and not the "vehicle" link..

Ya'll got to keep the Fosters away from the testers until after it's realeased.


Joe Watson

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Hi Joe,


I see you have your AU BLUE FSS code in your signature, could you also add your FSS code for PAJN please, as per the forum rules for support.


I will alert Neil about this post as he has done the ADE work for PAJN so it's not something i can answer.

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